Current Guided Pathway Maps Page ContentView Historical Guided Pathway Maps 2024-2025 Maps A+ Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesA+ Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapAccounting A.A.S.School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeAccounting A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapAccounting Assistant CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeAccounting Assistant Certificate Guided Pathway MapAccounting Clerk CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeAccounting Clerk Certificate Guided Pathway MapAdministrative Specialist CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeAdministrative Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapAdult Cardiac Sonography A.A.S.School of Health SciencesAdult Cardiac Sonography A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapAdult Cardiac Sonography Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Health SciencesAdult Cardiac Sonography Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapAdvanced Architectural Drafting CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyAdvanced Architectural Drafting Certificate Guided Pathway MapAdvanced Mechanical Drafting CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyAdvanced Mechanical Drafting Certificate Guided Pathway MapAgricultureSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesAgriculture Guided Pathway MapAir Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyAir Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapAlteration Specialist CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignAlteration Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapAnimation CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignAnimation Certificate Guided Pathway MapAnthropologySchool of Law and Public ServiceAnthropology Guided Pathway MapApparel Design A.A.S.School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignApparel Design A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapArchitectural Drafting CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyArchitectural Drafting Certificate Guided Pathway MapArchitectural Drafting Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyArchitectural Drafting Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapAssociate Degree Nursing A.A.S.School of Health SciencesAssociate Degree Nursing A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapAssociate Degree Nursing A.A.S. (LVN-RN Advanced Placement Program Option)School of Health SciencesAssociate Degree Nursing A.A.S. (LVN-RN Advanced Placement Program Option) Guided Pathway MapAssociate of Arts in Teaching, EC-6 & 4-8 (Generalist), EC-12 Special EducationSchool of EducationAssociate of Arts in Teaching, EC-6 & 4-8 (Generalist), EC-12 Special Education Guided Pathway MapAssociate of Arts in Teaching, EC-6 (Generalist) (For transfer to bachelor's degree programs in Teacher Education Certification at Dallas College, TTU and UTD)School of EducationAssociate of Arts in Teaching, EC-6 (Generalist) (For transfer to bachelor's degree programs in Teacher Education Certification at Dallas College, TTU and UTD) Guided Pathway MapAssociate of Arts in Teaching, Teacher Certification in Foreign Language, EC-12School of EducationAssociate of Arts in Teaching, Teacher Certification in Foreign Language, EC-12 Guided Pathway MapAssociate of Arts in Teaching, Teacher Certification in Mathematics, 8-12School of EducationAssociate of Arts in Teaching, Teacher Certification in Mathematics, 8-12 Guided Pathway MapAudio Visual Specialist CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignAudio Visual Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapAuto Body Metal Technician CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyAuto Body Metal Technician Certificate Guided Pathway MapAuto Body Metal Technician Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyAuto Body Metal Technician Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapAuto Body Painter CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyAuto Body Painter Certificate Guided Pathway MapAuto Body Painter Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyAuto Body Painter Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapAuto Body Shop Management CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyAuto Body Shop Management Certificate Guided Pathway MapAuto Body Shop Management Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyAuto Body Shop Management Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapAuto Body Technology A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyAuto Body Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapAuto Body Technology CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyAuto Body Technology Certificate Guided Pathway MapAutomotive Career Technician AASSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyAutomotive Career Technician AAS Guided Pathway MapBachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education and Teaching (AAS-BAS Track)School of EducationBachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education and Teaching (AAS-BAS Track) Guided Pathway MapBachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education and Teaching (AAT-BAS Track)School of EducationBachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education and Teaching (AAT-BAS Track) Guided Pathway MapBakery/Pastry A.A.S.School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeBakery/Pastry A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapBakery/Pastry Foundations CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeBakery/Pastry Foundations Certificate Guided Pathway MapBakery/Pastry Specialist CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeBakery/Pastry Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapBasic Criminal Justice Studies CertificateSchool of Law and Public ServiceBasic Criminal Justice Studies Certificate Guided Pathway MapBiochemistrySchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesBiochemistry Guided Pathway MapBiotechnology CertificateSchool of Health SciencesBiotechnology Certificate Guided Pathway MapBlockchain and Cryptocurrency Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesBlockchain and Cryptocurrency Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapBusiness Administration A.A.S.School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeBusiness Administration A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapBusiness Meta-Major (For transfer to ETAMU, TWU, and UNTD)School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeBusiness Meta-Major (For transfer to ETAMU, TWU, and UNTD) Guided Pathway MapBusiness Office Specialist CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeBusiness Office Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapBusiness Operations Generalist CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeBusiness Operations Generalist Certificate Guided Pathway MapBusiness Operations Specialist CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeBusiness Operations Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapC# Developer CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesC# Developer Certificate Guided Pathway MapC# Programming Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesC# Programming Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapC++ Developer CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesC++ Developer Certificate Guided Pathway MapC++ Programming Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesC++ Programming Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapCCNP Network Operations Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesCCNP Network Operations Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapChassis Service Technician CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyChassis Service Technician Certificate Guided Pathway MapChassis Service Technician Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyChassis Service Technician Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapChemistrySchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesChemistry Guided Pathway MapChild Development/Early Childhood Education - Administrative CertificateSchool of EducationChild Development/Early Childhood Education - Administrative Certificate Guided Pathway MapChild Development/Early Childhood Education A.A.S.School of EducationChild Development/Early Childhood Education A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapCISCO Networking CCNA Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesCISCO Networking CCNA Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapCivil Drafting CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCivil Drafting Certificate Guided Pathway MapCivil Drafting Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCivil Drafting Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapCloud Computing A.A.S.School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesCloud Computing A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapCloud Computing CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesCloud Computing Certificate Guided Pathway MapCloud Computing Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesCloud Computing Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapCloud System Operations A.A.S.School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesCloud System Operations A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapCNC Mill and Lathe Operator CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCNC Mill and Lathe Operator Certificate Guided Pathway MapCNC Mill and Lathe Operator Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCNC Mill and Lathe Operator Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapCommercial Construction Assistant Superintendent CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCommercial Construction Assistant Superintendent Certificate Guided Pathway MapCommercial Construction Certificate - Electrical Commercial EmphasisSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCommercial Construction Certificate - Electrical Commercial Emphasis Guided Pathway MapCommercial Construction Certificate - Field Engineering EmphasisSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCommercial Construction Certificate - Field Engineering Emphasis Guided Pathway MapCommercial Construction Certificate - HVAC Commercial EmphasisSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCommercial Construction Certificate - HVAC Commercial Emphasis Guided Pathway MapCommercial Construction Certificate - Pipefitting EmphasisSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCommercial Construction Certificate - Pipefitting Emphasis Guided Pathway MapCommercial Construction Certificate - Plumbing Commercial EmphasisSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCommercial Construction Certificate - Plumbing Commercial Emphasis Guided Pathway MapCommercial Electrical Technology A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCommercial Electrical Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapCommercial Electrical Technology CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCommercial Electrical Technology Certificate Guided Pathway MapCommercial Electrical Technology Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyCommercial Electrical Technology Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapCommunication StudiesSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignCommunication Studies Guided Pathway MapComposition CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignComposition Certificate Guided Pathway MapComputed Tomography Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Health SciencesComputed Tomography Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapComputer EngineeringSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesComputer Engineering Guided Pathway MapComputer Science and Information TechnologySchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesComputer Science and Information Technology Guided Pathway MapComputer Science and Information Technology (For transfer to UNT, BS in Computer Science)School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesComputer Science and Information Technology (For transfer to UNT, BS in Computer Science) Guided Pathway MapComputer-Aided Design and Drafting A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyComputer-Aided Design and Drafting A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapConflict Management Basic Mediator CertificateSchool of Law and Public ServiceConflict Management Basic Mediator Certificate Guided Pathway MapConstruction Management - Commercial Emphasis A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyConstruction Management - Commercial Emphasis A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapConstruction Management - Residential Emphasis A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyConstruction Management - Residential Emphasis A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapConstruction Technology A.A.S. - Electrical EmphasisSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyConstruction Technology A.A.S. - Electrical Emphasis Guided Pathway MapConstruction Technology A.A.S. - HVAC EmphasisSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyConstruction Technology A.A.S. - HVAC Emphasis Guided Pathway MapConstruction Technology A.A.S. - Pipefitting EmphasisSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyConstruction Technology A.A.S. - Pipefitting Emphasis Guided Pathway MapConstruction Technology A.A.S. - Plumbing EmphasisSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyConstruction Technology A.A.S. - Plumbing Emphasis Guided Pathway MapConstruction Technology A.A.S. - Residential Builder/Contractor EmphasisSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyConstruction Technology A.A.S. - Residential Builder/Contractor Emphasis Guided Pathway MapConstruction Technology Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyConstruction Technology Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapCredential for Critical Care Professionals Enhanced Skills CertificateSchool of Health SciencesCredential for Critical Care Professionals Enhanced Skills Certificate Guided Pathway MapCriminal Justice and Public Safety A.A.S.School of Law and Public ServiceCriminal Justice and Public Safety A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapCriminal Justice and Public Safety A.A.S. (Accelerated)School of Law and Public ServiceCriminal Justice and Public Safety A.A.S. (Accelerated) Guided Pathway MapCriminal Justice Management Certificate (30 hours)School of Law and Public ServiceCriminal Justice Management Certificate (30 hours) Guided Pathway MapCrisis Intervention CertificateSchool of Law and Public ServiceCrisis Intervention Certificate Guided Pathway MapCulinary Arts A.A.S.School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeCulinary Arts A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapCulinary Arts Foundations CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeCulinary Arts Foundations Certificate Guided Pathway MapCulinary Arts Specialist CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeCulinary Arts Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapCustomer Service Representative CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeCustomer Service Representative Certificate Guided Pathway MapCyber Operations CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesCyber Operations Certificate Guided Pathway MapCyber Security A.A.S. - Cyber Defense EmphasisSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesCyber Security A.A.S. - Cyber Defense Emphasis Guided Pathway MapCyber Security A.A.S. - Information Assurance EmphasisSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesCyber Security A.A.S. - Information Assurance Emphasis Guided Pathway MapCyber Security A.A.S. - System Security Administration EmphasisSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesCyber Security A.A.S. - System Security Administration Emphasis Guided Pathway MapDBA CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesDBA Certificate Guided Pathway MapDealership Sponsored Technician (Ford ASSET Emphasis Track) A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyDealership Sponsored Technician (Ford ASSET Emphasis Track) A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapDealership Sponsored Technician (GM ASEP Emphasis Track) A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyDealership Sponsored Technician (GM ASEP Emphasis Track) A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapDental Hygiene A.A.S.School of Health SciencesDental Hygiene A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapDesignate CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeDesignate Certificate Guided Pathway MapDiagnostic Medical Sonography A.A.S.School of Health SciencesDiagnostic Medical Sonography A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapDiagnostic Medical Sonography Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Health SciencesDiagnostic Medical Sonography Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapDiesel Preventive Maintenance Advanced Technician Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyDiesel Preventive Maintenance Advanced Technician Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapDiesel Preventive Maintenance Technician Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyDiesel Preventive Maintenance Technician Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapDigital Art and Design A.A.S.School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignDigital Art and Design A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapDigital Forensics and Private Investigation CertificateSchool of Law and Public ServiceDigital Forensics and Private Investigation Certificate Guided Pathway MapDigital Interface Design CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignDigital Interface Design Certificate Guided Pathway MapDigital Media Marketing Specialist CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeDigital Media Marketing Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapDigital Music Production and Composition A.A.S.School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignDigital Music Production and Composition A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapDigital Music Production CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignDigital Music Production Certificate Guided Pathway MapDigital Photography/Video CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignDigital Photography/Video Certificate Guided Pathway MapDrama (General)School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignDrama (General) Guided Pathway MapDrama (Performance)School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignDrama (Performance) Guided Pathway MapDrama (Technical)School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignDrama (Technical) Guided Pathway MapEarly Childhood Education and Teaching CertificateSchool of EducationEarly Childhood Education and Teaching Certificate Guided Pathway MapEarly Childhood Teacher Development Occupational Skills AwardSchool of EducationEarly Childhood Teacher Development Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapEconomicsSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeEconomics Guided Pathway MapEducation Meta-Major (For transfer to Dallas College, ETAMU, TWU, and UNTD)School of EducationEducation Meta-Major (For transfer to Dallas College, ETAMU, TWU, and UNTD) Guided Pathway MapElectrical Engineering (UTA/RLC)School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesElectrical Engineering (UTA/RLC) Guided Pathway MapElectrical Engineering Technology A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyElectrical Engineering Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapElectro Mechanical Technology AASSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyElectro Mechanical Technology AAS Guided Pathway MapElectronics and Climate Controls Technician CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyElectronics and Climate Controls Technician Certificate Guided Pathway MapElectronics and Climate Controls Technician Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyElectronics and Climate Controls Technician Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapElectronics Technology CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyElectronics Technology Certificate Guided Pathway MapElectronics Technology Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyElectronics Technology Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapEmergency Medical Services/Paramedic A.A.S.School of Health SciencesEmergency Medical Services/Paramedic A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapEmergency Medical Technician Basic CertificateSchool of Health SciencesEmergency Medical Technician Basic Certificate Guided Pathway MapEngine Repair and Performance Technician CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyEngine Repair and Performance Technician Certificate Guided Pathway MapEngine Repair and Performance Technician Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyEngine Repair and Performance Technician Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapEngineering Technology CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyEngineering Technology Certificate Guided Pathway MapEntrepreneurial Foundation CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeEntrepreneurial Foundation Certificate Guided Pathway MapEntrepreneurial Management CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeEntrepreneurial Management Certificate Guided Pathway MapEntrepreneurship A.A.S.School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeEntrepreneurship A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapEnvironmental ScienceSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesEnvironmental Science Guided Pathway MapEquine Clinical Skills Enhanced Skills CertificateSchool of Health SciencesEquine Clinical Skills Enhanced Skills Certificate Guided Pathway MapExecutive Assistant A.A.S.School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeExecutive Assistant A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapExperience Design/User Interface (UX/UI) A.A.S.School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignExperience Design/User Interface (UX/UI) A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapFAME Manufacturing Core Exercises Enhanced Skills CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyFAME Manufacturing Core Exercises Enhanced Skills Certificate Guided Pathway MapFashion Design CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignFashion Design Certificate Guided Pathway MapFashion Marketing A.A.S.School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignFashion Marketing A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapFilm and Video Production Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignFilm and Video Production Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapFinancial Services Associate CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeFinancial Services Associate Certificate Guided Pathway MapFire Arson/Investigation CertificateSchool of Law and Public ServiceFire Arson/Investigation Certificate Guided Pathway MapFire Protection Technology A.A.S. (Option 1)School of Law and Public ServiceFire Protection Technology A.A.S. (Option 1) Guided Pathway MapFire Protection Technology A.A.S. (Option 2)School of Law and Public ServiceFire Protection Technology A.A.S. (Option 2) Guided Pathway MapFire Science CertificateSchool of Law and Public ServiceFire Science Certificate Guided Pathway MapFood and Beverage Specialist CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeFood and Beverage Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapForensic Science Technician CertificateSchool of Law and Public ServiceForensic Science Technician Certificate Guided Pathway MapFundamentals of Information Technology Skills Achievement AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesFundamentals of Information Technology Skills Achievement Award Guided Pathway MapGame Development CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesGame Development Certificate Guided Pathway MapGas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyGas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Certificate Guided Pathway MapGas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyGas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapGas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyGas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Certificate Guided Pathway MapGas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyGas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapGeographic Information Systems Specialist A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyGeographic Information Systems Specialist A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapGeographic Information Systems Technician Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyGeographic Information Systems Technician Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapGeographic Information Systems Technician Certificate (C1)School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyGeographic Information Systems Technician Certificate (C1) Guided Pathway MapGeographic Information Systems Technician Certificate (C2)School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyGeographic Information Systems Technician Certificate (C2) Guided Pathway MapGeographic Information Systems Technology Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyGeographic Information Systems Technology Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapGeographySchool of Law and Public ServiceGeography Guided Pathway MapGeology/Geological SciencesSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesGeology/Geological Sciences Guided Pathway MapGerontology CertificateSchool of Law and Public ServiceGerontology Certificate Guided Pathway MapGlobal Trade Specialist CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeGlobal Trade Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapGoogle IT Professional Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesGoogle IT Professional Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapHealth and WellnessSchool of Health SciencesHealth and Wellness Guided Pathway MapHealth Information Technology A.A.S.School of Health SciencesHealth Information Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapHealth Information Technology Medical Coder CertificateSchool of Health SciencesHealth Information Technology Medical Coder Certificate Guided Pathway MapHealth Professions Readiness I Skills Achievement AwardSchool of Health SciencesHealth Professions Readiness I Skills Achievement Award Guided Pathway MapHealth Professions Readiness II Skills Achievement AwardSchool of Health SciencesHealth Professions Readiness II Skills Achievement Award Guided Pathway MapHealth Sciences Meta-Major (For transfer to ETAMU and TWU)School of Health SciencesHealth Sciences Meta-Major (For transfer to ETAMU and TWU) Guided Pathway MapHealth Sciences Meta-Major (For transfer to ETAMU and TWU)School of Health SciencesHealth Sciences Meta-Major (For transfer to ETAMU and TWU) Guided Pathway MapHeating and Air Conditioning Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyHeating and Air Conditioning Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapHelp Desk/User Support Technician CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesHelp Desk/User Support Technician Certificate Guided Pathway MapHigh Performance Modification CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyHigh Performance Modification Certificate Guided Pathway MapHistorySchool of Law and Public ServiceHistory Guided Pathway MapHonda Professional Automotive Career Training A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyHonda Professional Automotive Career Training A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapHospitality Management A.A.S.School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeHospitality Management A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapHospitality Management CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeHospitality Management Certificate Guided Pathway MapHotel Lodging Operations CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeHotel Lodging Operations Certificate Guided Pathway MapHuman Resources Assistant CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeHuman Resources Assistant Certificate Guided Pathway MapHuman Resources Associate CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeHuman Resources Associate Certificate Guided Pathway MapHuman Resources Management AASSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeHuman Resources Management AAS Guided Pathway MapHuman Services CertificateSchool of Law and Public ServiceHuman Services Certificate Guided Pathway MapIndustrial Automation CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyIndustrial Automation Certificate Guided Pathway MapIndustrial Automation Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyIndustrial Automation Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapInformation Security Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesInformation Security Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapInformation Systems Administration Foundations CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesInformation Systems Administration Foundations Certificate Guided Pathway MapInformation Systems Administration Specialist CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesInformation Systems Administration Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapInsurance Customer Service Representative CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeInsurance Customer Service Representative Certificate Guided Pathway MapInteractive Simulation and Game Technology A.A.S. (Art/Animation/Design Specialization)School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesInteractive Simulation and Game Technology A.A.S. (Art/Animation/Design Specialization) Guided Pathway MapInteractive Simulation and Game Technology A.A.S. (Programming Specialization)School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesInteractive Simulation and Game Technology A.A.S. (Programming Specialization) Guided Pathway MapInterior Design A.A.S.School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignInterior Design A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapInterior Design Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignInterior Design Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapInternational Business and Trade A.A.S.School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeInternational Business and Trade A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapInternational Business and Trade CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeInternational Business and Trade Certificate Guided Pathway MapInternational Business and Trade Skills Achievement AwardSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeInternational Business and Trade Skills Achievement Award Guided Pathway MapInvasive Cardiovascular Technology A.A.S.School of Health SciencesInvasive Cardiovascular Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapInvasive Cardiovascular Technology Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Health SciencesInvasive Cardiovascular Technology Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapJAVA Developer CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesJAVA Developer Certificate Guided Pathway MapJAVA Programming Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesJAVA Programming Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapJournalism - Broadcast EmphasisSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignJournalism - Broadcast Emphasis Guided Pathway MapJournalism - Journalism EmphasisSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignJournalism - Journalism Emphasis Guided Pathway MapJournalism (For transfer to UNT Dallas, BA in Communication & Digital Media-Digital Production Concentration)School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignJournalism (For transfer to UNT Dallas, BA in Communication & Digital Media-Digital Production Concentration) Guided Pathway MapJournalism (For transfer to UNT Dallas, BA in Communication & Digital Media-Strategic Communication Concentration)School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignJournalism (For transfer to UNT Dallas, BA in Communication & Digital Media-Strategic Communication Concentration) Guided Pathway MapJunior Legal Assistant CertificateSchool of Law and Public ServiceJunior Legal Assistant Certificate Guided Pathway MapKinesiologySchool of Health SciencesKinesiology Guided Pathway MapLand Surveying and Geospatial Technology A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyLand Surveying and Geospatial Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapLand Surveying CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyLand Surveying Certificate Guided Pathway MapLeadership Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeLeadership Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapLINUX Skills Achievement AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesLINUX Skills Achievement Award Guided Pathway MapLogistics and Supply Chain Management A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyLogistics and Supply Chain Management A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapLogistics Distribution Technician CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyLogistics Distribution Technician Certificate Guided Pathway MapLogistics Distribution Technician Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyLogistics Distribution Technician Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapMagnetic Resonance Imaging Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Health SciencesMagnetic Resonance Imaging Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapManagement A.A.S.School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeManagement A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapManagement CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeManagement Certificate Guided Pathway MapMarketing A.A.S.School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeMarketing A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapMathematicsSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesMathematics Guided Pathway MapMechanical Drafting CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyMechanical Drafting Certificate Guided Pathway MapMechanical Drafting Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyMechanical Drafting Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapMechatronics Technology CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyMechatronics Technology Certificate Guided Pathway MapMechatronics Technology Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyMechatronics Technology Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapMedical Assisting CertificateSchool of Health SciencesMedical Assisting Certificate Guided Pathway MapMedical Assisting Generalist CertificateSchool of Health SciencesMedical Assisting Generalist Certificate Guided Pathway MapMedical Front Office Assistant CertificateSchool of Health SciencesMedical Front Office Assistant Certificate Guided Pathway MapMedical Front Office Assistant Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Health SciencesMedical Front Office Assistant Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapMedical Laboratory Technology A.A.S.School of Health SciencesMedical Laboratory Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapMeeting and Events Professional CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeMeeting and Events Professional Certificate Guided Pathway MapMental Health/Substance Abuse Prevention CertificateSchool of Law and Public ServiceMental Health/Substance Abuse Prevention Certificate Guided Pathway MapMobile Applications Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesMobile Applications Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapMortgage Banking A.A.S.School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeMortgage Banking A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapMortgage Banking Intern CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeMortgage Banking Intern Certificate Guided Pathway MapMultiple Processes Welding Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyMultiple Processes Welding Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapMusic Business and Entrepreneurship A.A.S.School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignMusic Business and Entrepreneurship A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapMusic Business and Entrepreneurship CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignMusic Business and Entrepreneurship Certificate Guided Pathway MapNetwork Administrator and Support A.A.S. - CCNA SpecializationSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesNetwork Administrator and Support A.A.S. - CCNA Specialization Guided Pathway MapNetwork Administrator and Support A.A.S. - Microsoft Server Infrastructure SpecializationSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesNetwork Administrator and Support A.A.S. - Microsoft Server Infrastructure Specialization Guided Pathway MapNetwork Virtualization Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesNetwork Virtualization Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapNetworking Associate CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesNetworking Associate Certificate Guided Pathway MapNetworking Support CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesNetworking Support Certificate Guided Pathway MapNetworking Virtualization Skills Achievement AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesNetworking Virtualization Skills Achievement Award Guided Pathway MapOccupational Therapy Assistant A.A.S.School of Health SciencesOccupational Therapy Assistant A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapParalegal A.A.S.School of Law and Public ServiceParalegal A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapParalegal A.A.S. (For transfer to UNT Dallas, BAAS Justice and Legal Studies Concentration)School of Law and Public ServiceParalegal A.A.S. (For transfer to UNT Dallas, BAAS Justice and Legal Studies Concentration) Guided Pathway MapParamedic CertificateSchool of Health SciencesParamedic Certificate Guided Pathway MapPatient Care Technician CertificateSchool of Health SciencesPatient Care Technician Certificate Guided Pathway MapPerforming Musician A.A.S.School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignPerforming Musician A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapPerforming Musician CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignPerforming Musician Certificate Guided Pathway MapPerioperative Nursing Enhanced Skills CertificateSchool of Health SciencesPerioperative Nursing Enhanced Skills Certificate Guided Pathway MapPersonal Computer Support A.A.S.School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesPersonal Computer Support A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapPhilosophy & ReligionSchool of Law and Public ServicePhilosophy & Religion Guided Pathway MapPhysical Education (Early Childhood-12 Certification)School of Health SciencesPhysical Education (Early Childhood-12 Certification) Guided Pathway MapPhysicsSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesPhysics Guided Pathway MapPipe Welding and Fitting Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyPipe Welding and Fitting Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapPlumbing Technology A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyPlumbing Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapPlumbing Technology CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyPlumbing Technology Certificate Guided Pathway MapPower Equipment Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyPower Equipment Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapPower Equipment Technology CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyPower Equipment Technology Certificate Guided Pathway MapPower Sports CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyPower Sports Certificate Guided Pathway MapPower Sports Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyPower Sports Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapPrecision Machining Technology A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyPrecision Machining Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapPreventive Maintenance Technician CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyPreventive Maintenance Technician Certificate Guided Pathway MapProfessional Accountancy - Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeProfessional Accountancy - Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapPython Developer CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesPython Developer Certificate Guided Pathway MapPython Programming Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesPython Programming Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapRadio and TelevisionSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignRadio and Television Guided Pathway MapRadio and Television (For transfer to UNT Dallas, BA in Communication & Digital Media-Digital Production Concentration)School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignRadio and Television (For transfer to UNT Dallas, BA in Communication & Digital Media-Digital Production Concentration) Guided Pathway MapRadiologic Technology A.A.S.School of Health SciencesRadiologic Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapReal Estate A.A.S.School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeReal Estate A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapReal Estate CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeReal Estate Certificate Guided Pathway MapReal Estate Certificate IISchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeReal Estate Certificate II Guided Pathway MapRecording Technology (One-Year Certificate)School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignRecording Technology (One-Year Certificate) Guided Pathway MapRecording Technology A.A.S.School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignRecording Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapRecording Technology Level II CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignRecording Technology Level II Certificate Guided Pathway MapRegistered Nurse to BS in NursingSchool of Health SciencesRegistered Nurse to BS in Nursing Guided Pathway MapResidential Construction CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyResidential Construction Certificate Guided Pathway MapResidential Construction Foreman CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyResidential Construction Foreman Certificate Guided Pathway MapResidential Construction Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyResidential Construction Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapRespiratory Care A.A.S.School of Health SciencesRespiratory Care A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapRetail Management CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeRetail Management Certificate Guided Pathway MapRising Construction Manager CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRising Construction Manager Certificate Guided Pathway MapRising Construction Manager Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRising Construction Manager Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapRising Construction Technology Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRising Construction Technology Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapRising Electrical Technician CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRising Electrical Technician Certificate Guided Pathway MapRising Electrical Technician Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRising Electrical Technician Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapRising HVAC Technician CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRising HVAC Technician Certificate Guided Pathway MapRising HVAC Technician Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRising HVAC Technician Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapRising Land Surveyor CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRising Land Surveyor Certificate Guided Pathway MapRising Plumber CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRising Plumber Certificate Guided Pathway MapRising Plumber Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRising Plumber Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapRising Welder CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRising Welder Certificate Guided Pathway MapRising Welder Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRising Welder Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapRobotics and Industrial Automation A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyRobotics and Industrial Automation A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapSales and Marketing Professional CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeSales and Marketing Professional Certificate Guided Pathway MapShielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyShielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Certificate Guided Pathway MapShielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyShielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapSimulation Operations Specialist Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Health SciencesSimulation Operations Specialist Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapSocial Work Associate - Generalist A.A.S.School of Law and Public ServiceSocial Work Associate - Generalist A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapSoftware Application Specialist CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeSoftware Application Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapSoftware Development A.A.S.School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesSoftware Development A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapSQL Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesSQL Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapStructural Welding CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyStructural Welding Certificate Guided Pathway MapStructural Welding Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyStructural Welding Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapStudio Art and Design Studies/Graphic DesignSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignStudio Art and Design Studies/Graphic Design Guided Pathway MapSubstance Abuse Counseling A.A.S.School of Law and Public ServiceSubstance Abuse Counseling A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapSubstance Abuse Counseling CertificateSchool of Law and Public ServiceSubstance Abuse Counseling Certificate Guided Pathway MapSupervisor CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeSupervisor Certificate Guided Pathway MapSurgical Technologist A.A.S.School of Health SciencesSurgical Technologist A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapSurveying Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologySurveying Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapTechnical Pattern Design A.A.S.School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignTechnical Pattern Design A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapTechnician Level I Certificate in Air ConditioningSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyTechnician Level I Certificate in Air Conditioning Guided Pathway MapTechnician Level II Certificate in Air ConditioningSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyTechnician Level II Certificate in Air Conditioning Guided Pathway MapTexas Direct - Business Administration - Field of StudySchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeTexas Direct - Business Administration - Field of Study Guided Pathway MapTexas Direct - Business Administration - Field of Study (For transfer to UNT)School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeTexas Direct - Business Administration - Field of Study (For transfer to UNT) Guided Pathway MapTexas Direct - Business Administration - Field of Study (For transfer to UTA)School of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeTexas Direct - Business Administration - Field of Study (For transfer to UTA) Guided Pathway MapTexas Direct - Criminal Justice - Field of StudySchool of Law and Public ServiceTexas Direct - Criminal Justice - Field of Study Guided Pathway MapTexas Direct - Nursing - Field of StudySchool of Health SciencesTexas Direct - Nursing - Field of Study Guided Pathway MapTexas Direct - Political Science - Field of StudySchool of Law and Public ServiceTexas Direct - Political Science - Field of Study Guided Pathway MapTexas Direct - Psychology - Field of StudySchool of Law and Public ServiceTexas Direct - Psychology - Field of Study Guided Pathway MapTexas Direct - Psychology - Field of Study (For transfer to UNT)School of Law and Public ServiceTexas Direct - Psychology - Field of Study (For transfer to UNT) Guided Pathway MapTexas Direct - Psychology - Field of Study (For transfer to UTA)School of Law and Public ServiceTexas Direct - Psychology - Field of Study (For transfer to UTA) Guided Pathway MapTexas Direct - Psychology - Field of Study (For transfer to UTD)School of Law and Public ServiceTexas Direct - Psychology - Field of Study (For transfer to UTD) Guided Pathway MapTexas Direct - Social Work - FOSSchool of Law and Public ServiceTexas Direct - Social Work - FOS Guided Pathway MapTexas Direct - Sociology - FOSSchool of Law and Public ServiceTexas Direct - Sociology - FOS Guided Pathway MapTheatrical Costuming CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignTheatrical Costuming Certificate Guided Pathway MapToyota Technician - Training and Education Network A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyToyota Technician - Training and Education Network A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapTradesman Plumber CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyTradesman Plumber Certificate Guided Pathway MapTransmission Service Technician CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyTransmission Service Technician Certificate Guided Pathway MapTransmission Service Technician Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyTransmission Service Technician Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapTravel and Destination Management CertificateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeTravel and Destination Management Certificate Guided Pathway MapUX/UI Design CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignUX/UI Design Certificate Guided Pathway MapVascular Interventional Advanced Technical CertificateSchool of Health SciencesVascular Interventional Advanced Technical Certificate Guided Pathway MapVeterinary Assisting Certificate (Distance Learning Program)School of Health SciencesVeterinary Assisting Certificate (Distance Learning Program) Guided Pathway MapVeterinary Assisting Certificate (On Campus Program)School of Health SciencesVeterinary Assisting Certificate (On Campus Program) Guided Pathway MapVeterinary Technology A.A.S. (Distance Education Program)School of Health SciencesVeterinary Technology A.A.S. (Distance Education Program) Guided Pathway MapVeterinary Technology A.A.S. (On Campus Program)School of Health SciencesVeterinary Technology A.A.S. (On Campus Program) Guided Pathway MapVideo Technology A.A.S.School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignVideo Technology A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapVisual Design CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignVisual Design Certificate Guided Pathway MapVisual Presentation Specialist CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignVisual Presentation Specialist Certificate Guided Pathway MapVocational Nursing CertificateSchool of Health SciencesVocational Nursing Certificate Guided Pathway MapWeb Design Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesWeb Design Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapWeb Developer CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesWeb Developer Certificate Guided Pathway MapWeb Development A.A.S.School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesWeb Development A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapWeb Development CertificateSchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, and SciencesWeb Development Certificate Guided Pathway MapWeld Fabrication Occupational Skills AwardSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyWeld Fabrication Occupational Skills Award Guided Pathway MapWelding Applications A.A.S.School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyWelding Applications A.A.S. Guided Pathway MapWelding Applications CertificateSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyWelding Applications Certificate Guided Pathway MapWholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representative CertificateSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignWholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representative Certificate Guided Pathway Map