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The College Alliance Against Sexual Assault (CAASA) is a group of employees and students working to prevent sexual assault, domestic and dating violence and stalking.
Together we are training students, faculty and staff members the skills needed to prevent sexual violence. We also provide information on campus and community resources. Join us to learn more about what you can do to prevent sexual violence in our community.
Why is this so important?
Over 13% of college women report that they have been stalked. Of these women, 42% were stalked by a boyfriend or ex-boyfriend. Forty-three percent of dating college women reported experiencing abusive behaviors from their partner. (Statistics retrieved from the
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.)
What can you do?
- Learn to establish healthy boundaries in relationships by attending our seminars.
Recognize the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship
- Talk with our community partners at table events on campus to learn more.
- Spread the word on social media about your commitment to sexual violence prevention.
- Attend our sexual violence prevention workshops and bring a friend!
- Report incidents of sexual assault, dating or domestic violence or stalking on campus by calling 972-860-4290 using your mobile phone or a non-campus phone, or by calling 9-1-1 using a campus landline phone. Be sure to add the number to your list of contacts.
Where can victims of sexual violence get help?
Please email to schedule a confidential counseling appointment.