Stalking is a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that causes them to fear for their safety or the safety of others, or causes them to suffer substantial emotional distress.
Human trafficking is the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation.
Stalkers use a variety of tactics, including (but not limited to) unwanted contact including phone calls, texts, and contact via social media, unwanted gifts, showing up at unwelcome times and locations, approaching an individual or their family/friends, monitoring, surveillance, property damage, and threats.
Human traffickers also use a variety of tactics to control people, including physical and emotional abuse and threats, manipulation, fraud, isolation from friends and family, and economic abuse.
Anyone can be a victim of stalking or human trafficking. A majority of victims are stalked or trafficked by someone they know and trust.