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Allegation Received Process
Filing a Complaint: Complaint can also be made in person at any Dallas College campus police offices. Response may be in person or in writing from the Assistant Chief. Please allow 60 days to investigate and respond to your complaint.
Investigation, Report and Recommendation: An investigation is launched and the facts obtained. During this stage, employees are required to answer questions. The result is issued in a report and classified in one of five categories:
Unfounded: Evidence tends to disprove the allegations.
Exonerated: Evidence tends to support the factual occurrence, but are the result of adherence to departmental policy or procedure. Exonerated complaints will be reviewed by the Police Chief for the consideration of policy revision.
Not Sustained: There is insufficient evidence to either prove or disapprove allegations.
Sustained: Evidence tends to support the allegations are true.
Recommendation: The investigator will make a finding based on the facts of the case. The chain of command will make discipline recommendations to the chief's office.
Review: The review of the investigation is conducted to ensure the finding of fact and the information does support the recommended findings of chain of command.
Chain of Command Review: A sustained complaint will go through review. The Commander will meet with the employee and seek any additional information before making a recommendation for discipline. The Assistant Chief will review all recommendations and concur or disagree with the findings and proposed discipline.
Legal Review: A document with charge and specification will be prepared by the Assistant Chief and reviewed by legal in all sustained cases.
Discipline (Counseling, Oral Reprimand, Written Reprimand, Suspension, Demotion and Dismissal): Assistant Chief meets with employee to give charge and define complaint, which includes the proposed discipline.
The goal of the discipline process is to have an investigation completed and employee served charge and details of the complaint within 60 business days from notification to discipline.
Formal vs. Informal Complaint
Anyone who feels that an officer or police employee has acted improperly should bring the matter to the attention of the Dallas College Police Department.
Formal Complaint
A formal investigation is reserved for serious allegations against an employee. Serious allegations could include several similar or repeated minor allegations. Formal investigations are overseen by a department supervisor or if deemed by the Chief of Police, conducted by another law enforcement agency. When misconduct results in a written reprimand or higher, the officer will be served a personnel complaint within a reasonable time frame. Texas law requires that all complaints against police officers must be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint before any disciplinary action may be taken.
Informal Complaint
An informal investigation is typically a less serious allegation against an employee. A uniform violation, a courtesy concern or any other minor violation generally results in an informal investigation. Informal investigations are generally overseen by a direct supervisor although the Assistant Chief of Police may assign investigative responsibility. An officer may or may not be served a personnel complaint by the chain of command. Low-level discipline, such as counseling reports and oral reprimands, do not require the employee to be served a personnel complaint. However, if the chain of command determines that the misconduct may result in a written reprimand or higher, an officer will be served a personnel complaint.
It is through the internal investigative process that the Dallas College Police Department maintains a high standard of accountability, transparency and trust with the community it serves.
False Complaints
Filing a false complaint against a police employee is a violation of the Texas Penal Code, Section 37.02. If a person knowingly and intentionally makes a false statement under oath or swears to the truth of a false statement previously made under oath, that person may be found guilty and punished by:
- A fine up to $4,000,
- Confinement in jail for up to one year or
- Both a fine and imprisonment.
Please contact the campus police department or use the contact information below if you need accommodation with filing your complaint.