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Are you a homeschool student aspiring to join Dallas College and embark on your higher education journey? We are excited to have you become a part of our academic community. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the enrollment process and seamlessly integrate into our vibrant learning environment.
Steps to Enrollment
New Students: Begin by completing the
Dual Credit Application on the Dallas College website. This step is essential for new students.
Returning Students: Skip this step if you have previously completed the Dual Credit Application.
After completing the application and receiving your student ID, reach out to the Educational Partnerships team via email at to express interest in your new or returning enrollment.
- Make sure you have your Dallas College student ID.
- Begin gathering
meningitis documentation or exemptions as instructed in the email.
- Complete the
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) through eConnect, following the provided instructions.
- Verify that you meet the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards for the classes you intend to take.
- Obtain a copy of your high school transcript.
- Complete the homeschool survey linked in the EduPartHomeschool email.
Once you have completed the previous steps, an Educational Partnerships homeschool liaison will contact you to schedule your yearly virtual meeting.
During your one-on-one meeting, the Educational Partnerships team will:
- Verify completion of the necessary steps as shared by EduPartHomeschool inbox. We will ensure you have:
- Discuss dual credit scholarship eligibility.
- Not all courses are eligible for the dual credit scholarship.
- Eligibility is based on review of your high school transcript and course list (Attachment B).
- Scholarships are not applicable for courses once you've fulfilled the required credits per discipline as outlined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Distinguished Achievement Plan (26 HS credits).
- Explain IncludED program details.
- Homeschool families are automatically opted in.
- The dual credit scholarship does not cover the IncludED fees of $20 per credit hour enrolled.
Learn more about IncludED.
- Provide information about course list (Attachment B).
- Your Educational Partnerships contact will assist in creating Attachment B according to your chosen program of study and high school transcript.
- Review the homeschool contract.
- Homeschool contracts are needed every academic year and are renewed on a yearly basis.
- Each year, you must submit updated and notarized high school transcripts and the course list (Attachment B).
Important Notes
Registration Deadline
Ensure all steps are completed nine (9) business days before the start of the term you wish to register for.
View the 2024-25 important dates and deadlines.
Tuition Waiver/Scholarship
Please note that not all classes may be eligible for the tuition waiver. To qualify for a scholarship, a course must contribute towards high school completion and should not replicate a previously earned credit. Scholarships are not granted for courses once the required discipline-specific credits have been fulfilled according to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Distinguished Achievement Plan.
- English: 4 credits needed
- Mathematics: 4 credits needed
- Science: 4 credits needed
- Social Studies: 4 credits needed
- Physical Education: 1 credit needed
- Languages: 3 credits needed
- Fine Arts: 1 credit needed
- Speech: .5 credits needed
- Electives: 4.5 credits needed
If Eligible for Dual Credit Tuition Scholarship:
We look forward to supporting you in your educational journey at Dallas College! Feel free to reach out to us for any assistance or clarification during this process. For further assistance, email
Home School Dual Credit FAQs
Homeschool students must contact the Educational Partnerships Office to schedule an appointment.. During this appointment, the enrollment and contract/agreement process will be reviewed.
Dual credit students can take almost any modaility of class offered at Dallas College. While online classes are available, we highly advise students to attend face-to-face classes so they can have a well-rounded college experience.
After a student has demonstrated successful academic progression in a face-to-face course, enrollment in online classes can be discussed.
Transcripts are needed to verify what a student has completed. Transcripts are required each academic year a homeschool student completes coursework.
To align with other Dallas College procedures, transcripts need to be submitted annually. Transcript must include:
- Student’s full name
- Date of birth
- Last 4 of SSN
- Name of homeschool
- Parent’s or homeschool counselor’s full name
- Class names, credits earned, final grade
- Current GPA
- Pending date of graduation
- Seal of notary public
A transcript template can be provided if the student does not have a homeschool transcript.
Transcripts must include:
- Student’s full name
- Date of birth
- Last 4 of SSN
- Name of homeschool
- Parent’s or homeschool counselor’s full name
- Class names, credits earned, final grade
- Current GPA
- Pending date of graduation
- Seal of notary public
The graduation requirements for Texas can be located on the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website.
Appointments are required to sign contracts and register for classes for the first time.
For subsequent semesters, contact the campus Educational Partnerships office for the registration process.
Homeschool students have access to tutoring services, computer labs, library, and student clubs and activities that are available to all students.
Be sure to submit official transcripts to Dallas College prior to registration for an evaluation. Read more about
Transferring to Dallas College.
Be sure to submit official test scores through their respective sites to Dallas College for an evaluation.
View accepted scores.
Dallas College cannot advise on high school completion. Please refer to
TEA (Texas Education Agency) for requirements and more homeschool information.
Dual credit scholarship is based on TEA Distinguished Achievement Plan (26 credits).
Dallas College’s IncludED program provides students access to the learning materials (Ebooks, textbooks, and some supplies depending on the course/program) at the start of each semester.
Homeschool students are automatically opted in. Review information regarding the
program, deadlines and general FAQs.
We recommend that families submit their documents upon receiving emails from their Success Coach or Educational Partnerships contact about upcoming registration. Doing so in advance will provide you with a broader selection of classes to choose from.
We encourage all students to read your syllabus prior to the start of class to understand the professor’s grading policy. We advise all students to contact their professor directly to request feedback on their grades.
Appeals for individual grades are not typically allowed, except in cases where both the student and professor reach an agreement. However, you do have the option to file an academic complaint or grievance once your final grade is officially posted. Click here for more information.
What Students and Parents Say About Dual Credit
In this video, you will hear about the real dual credit experience from current and former dual credit students. Learn about why they decided to enroll in dual credit courses, how they feel it does (and does not) differ from their high school courses, and things they wish their dual credit faculty knew.
Video: Dual Credit Student Panel