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Why study Italian?
If you are looking for the perfect place for tourism, study abroad, or retirement, you should think about Italy.
Il Bel Paese has delicious food, gregarious people, and 55 World Heritage sites. Before heading that way, learn some Italian.
If you already speak a Romance language (such as Spanish or French), chances are you’ll find learning Italian to be a breeze.
If you don’t already speak a second language, consider studying Italian (or another language) to give your brain a boost. Research has clearly demonstrated the cognitive benefits of bilingualism.
Course Offerings
Dallas College offers beginning and intermediate
Italian courses.
Check the
credit class schedule for current course availability.
The Core Curriculum
Italian courses are part of the Dallas College
Core Curriculum.
Ask your success coach whether you can incorporate Italian courses into your degree plan.
If you are already proficient in Italian and feel that you are ready to skip one or more levels, you may take a placement exam. The placement exam will be used only for placement. It will not give you credit for any courses skipped.
Before deciding whether or not to take a placement exam, please consult with your success coach.
Concurrent (Noncredit) Enrollment
If you'd like to take a college-level Italian class but do not need college credit, you can take it “concurrently", for non-credit. A concurrent section may already exist on the
Continuing Education (CE) schedule. Please contact a CE Success Coach if you have any questions.