ESOL Course Rubrics

​E​SOL courses are listed under the four-letter rubric (course prefix):

English as a Second Language

*English for Speakers of Other Languages

We offer 16 regular ESOL courses, with four levels based on your current knowledge and understanding.

Visit the course schedule to find specific courses.​


​​ESO​L 0031
​ESOL 0041
​ESOL 0051
​ESOL 0061
​ESOL 0032
​​ESOL 0042
​​ESOL 0052
​​ESOL 0062
​ESOL 0033
​​ESOL 0043
​​ESOL 0053
​​ESOL 0063
​ESOL 0034
​​ESOL 0044
​​ESOL 0054
​​ESOL 0064

To determine your entry level, you will take our ESOL placement test, the Accuplacer. You will not have to take the TOEFL for either admissions or placement for ESOL courses.

To exit the ESOL program, you will need to pass ESOL 0044 and ESOL 0054 or pass the reading and writing sections of the TSI Assessment.

In addition to the 16 regular ESOL courses, we offer:

  • Four skill development courses (ESOL 0036, 0046, 0056, and 0066), which provide extra practice with language skills as well as attention to special topics such as medical terminology.
  • Integrated Reading and Writing (ESOL 0315), which helps students transition from our ESOL program to regular college classes.