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Every Dallas College campus requires all students and employees to wear their photo identification cards, which Dallas College provides for free.
Student ID badges are used to obtain access to college services — the library, computer labs, testing center, etc. If you are not wearing a badge, you may be stopped and asked to identify yourself and your purpose on campus. You may be asked to retrieve your badge. You may be denied access to specific college services and/or activities.
In addition to discounts around town, Student and Employee IDs can be used to check out library materials or access your campus gym to work out.
Students must be enrolled in at least one class at Dallas College to obtain a Student ID or Replacement ID.
You will need to present a valid government-issued photo ID or two alternate forms of identification, one of which must be photo identification. If you are a student, you must also present your paid tuition fee receipt.
Replace Card
If your card is lost or stolen, there's a $10 fee to replace it. Payments can be made at the business or cashier’s office on your campus. However, if your card is damaged by normal wear and tear, you can get a free replacement ID.
DART Student Pass
Have your student ID? You can
apply for a free DART Student Pass and, once your eligibility is verified, ride DART for free!