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Your transcript will show the following information:
- A chronological listing of all credit courses taken at Dallas College
- Texas Success Initiative (TSI) status
- Texas Core Curriculum information
- Institution previously attended
- Degrees and certificates earned
- Texas Field of Study curriculum information
- Academic status
- Grade point average (GPA) — both GPA (1) and GPA (2) (see the catalog for more information about
GPAs and grades)
- Overall hours earned
- Accreditation information
A list of all credit courses that you have taken at Dallas College, your academic status, transfer work and GPA can be viewed on “My Advising Report” (login required) in eConnect.
Other Important Information About Transcripts
A transcript remains on file for every student who has attended a credit course at Dallas College regardless of when they attended that course.
The transcript is
official if the document has a college seal and is signed by the registrar.
A minimum of two working days is required to process a transcript request.
A transcript will be released only if all obligations to Dallas College have been settled.
Have Questions?
Contact the
Admissions/Registrar’s Office at the Dallas College campus you last attended.