TouchNet Payment Center


The one-stop online shop for students to manage their tuition payments, refunds and disbursements.

To Access the TouchNet Payment Center

  • Go directly to the TouchNet Payment Center. Use your Dallas College ID and password to log in.
  • Access the TouchNet Payment Center in eConnect. Log in select the Credit or CE Student Menu, then select TouchNet Payment Center under the Payment and Disbursements heading.

A payment plan allows you to pay your tuition in installments. It may be set up in person or online. Payment plans are available for the Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters.

The Following Conditions Apply:

  • A nonrefundable, $15 one-time setup charge per semester will be added to your tuition total.
  • When you create a new payment plan, you must make a minimum down payment of $50. You may pay more if you wish, but not less.
  • Course credit may be denied if payment in full has not been made by the end of the semester.
  • You must sign a promissory note when you set up your payment plan and you must accept the terms of the payment plan agreement if setting it up online.
  • If you drop courses or withdraw, any applicable refund is applied to the balance due. Any remaining balance owed should still be paid in full.
  • A $10 late charge is applied for each installment payment that is not paid on time.

Note: Miniterms (Winter and May Terms) can only be included in payment plans if you also register for regular term (Spring or Summer) courses at the same time.

To initiate an international payment, select Transfermate as your payment method and follow the instructions given. Instructions may vary based on the country that is chosen.

In Touchnet, you can save one or multiple payment preferences for making payments. You can also choose a default preference if you wish. You may add or delete preferences or change your default preference at any time.

An authorized user is someone you give permission to make payments to your account via Touchnet. Once initiated, the authorized user will be sent an email request with instructions and will have to set up their own Touchnet account (login and password). After it is set up, they will be able to log in and make payments towards your account.

  1. Log in to Touchnet and click on “Authorized Users” on the right side of the home page:

    vertical menu with options top to bottom: authorized users, personal profile, payment profile, security settings, electronic refunds

  2. Or, click on the “My Profile” tab at the top and you will see the following:

    dropdown menu from my profile button on purple top naviagation menu. from top to bottom: authorized users, personal profile, payment profile, security settings, electronic refunds.

  3. Then click “Authorized Users.” If you have any authorized users, they will be listed here.

    authorized users menu with two tabs: authorized users on the left and add authorized user on the right.

  4. To add a user, click “Add Authorized User” and follow the instructions.

    yellow menu box with the following message: you can give others parents, employers, etc the ability to access your account information. in compliance with the family educational rights and privacy act of 1974 FERPA your student financial records may not be shared with a third party without your written consent. adding an authorized user is your written consent that an individual may view your account information and make payments on your behalf. please note that authorized users do not have access to your stored payment methods, academic records or other personal information. There is an additionla field at the bottom to allow the input of the email address you wish to authorize and a radio box to allow this person to view your payment history and account activity. select yes or no.

Important Notices

To avoid being dropped from your courses, you should set up a payment plan or pay in full by your due date. If you are expecting a financial aid award or other funding source that has not been posted to your student account, you are responsible for payment until it is posted.

If a financial aid award or other funding source is applied to your student account and creates a credit balance, you should be refunded according to the Dallas College refund and disbursement policies. Refunds and disbursements may be withheld or transferred for certain blocks or past due balances owed.

If the financial aid award or other funding source applied to your student account is less than the amount owed, you are responsible for the remaining amount owed.

If you decide not to take a course(s), it is your responsibility to drop the course(s) or withdraw from all courses. Depending on the date of your drop or withdrawal, you may only be eligible for a partial refund or no refund at all.

Note: Students may petition for an exception to the refund policy in a separate process through student services.

For questions about the Touchnet Payment Center, including making tuition payments, payment plans, refunds and financial aid disbursements, please visit your nearest campus cashier or email

For questions concerning your direct deposit or related information, please contact Heartland/ECSI directly at 844-700-0134.

You can also live chat with the Heartland/ECSI customer service team. After clicking the link you will see a blue box in the bottom right corner.

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