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Empowers career planning, decision making and professi​​onal growth.

MapMyFuture aggregates occupational and cre​d​​entialing​​​ data into a centralized location for use in career exploration, talent management, retention and to translate military and non-military training, education and experience to high quali​ty jobs and credentials.
See MapMyFuture Overview

  • Get customized ​​career, credentialing and appren​tic​eship recommendations based on unique qualifications.
  • Explore specific credentials, occupations and apprenticeships.


For students/apprentices: In minutes, you can begin boosting your chances of landing the right job.

  • Discover qualities about yourself that will help you shine beyond just your resume.
  • Find out how your personality and interests mak​​​​​e you an ideal match for certain jobs.
  • Connect directly with millions of open jobs that match your Jobtimize profile.
  • Explore new ideas for upgrading and training opportunities that will qualify you for better jobs.

For employers: Jobtimize addresses gaps in the employment process by helping employers hire more accurately with targeted soft skills assessments and effective job matching analysis.

  • Streamline — Connect directly to the Jobtimize candidate database, use our fully functional ATS or integrate with your existing system, easily post unlimited jobs and receive an “Ideal Candidate” profile for every position you post.
  • Pre-Match — Efficiently gauge if a candidate has the right soft skills (attitude, behavior, interests) plus knowledge and experience for the job and see a FitScore beside their name in the dashboard.
  • Benefit — Generate detailed “Job Fit” reports, interview guides and long-term outcome reports to guide you every step of the way. Reduce hiring time and turnover by only hiring those who match the role.
  • Expand — Connect directly with workforce advisors for better discovery and tracking of new candidates who are compatible with your postings. Expand the candidate pool even further with Jobtimize’s diversity-blind tools.


The number one career site for college students has arrived at Dallas College. Through the Handshake app, you can:

  • Attend virtual career fairs
  • Match with job opportunities and internships tailored for you
  • Connect directly with employers virtually

Benefits of IRAPs for Health Care Employers

Medical Education, Clinical Rotations and IRAPs Complement Each Other (Three Legged Stool Concept)

  • Continues the natural order for teaching hospitals and/or training institutions (Medical Education, Clinical Rotations, IRAP) — another pathway of work-based learning.
  • IRAPs are the hands-on, real-world application to didactic learning.
  • IRAPs allow apprentices to practice role-specific skills and tasks they need for career success in a safe, supervised environment where successes can be applauded and mistakes can be corrected without repercussion or organizational impact.
  • IRAPs represent commitment to front line employees — the same way commitment is offered MDs, RNs and other clinical and ancillary staff.
  • Builds confidence in the learner and increases the intrinsic motivation to be a lifelong learner and achieve higher levels in a career pathway.
  • Enables the quick launch of an apprenticeship program. Subject matter experts have already done the hard work of program development.
  • IRAPs are recognized by the American National Standards Institute National Accreditation Board (ANAB).


  • Onboard less experienced staff at a lower cost and increase salary as individuals gain skills and job-specific competencies.
  • Staff productivity increases as apprentices progress through the IRAP experience.
  • Goal of near 100% productivity by the end of the IRAP program equates to staff that are ready to work and familiar with your institution from the start.
  • Increases the loyalty and potential of becoming a long-term employee.


  • External Candidates
    • Reduce recruitment costs by offering candidate pools for tough to fill and/or high turnover roles.
    • Provide an additional pathway to assist career seekers and job creators.
    • Pipeline of external candidates:
      • Assess prior learning and experience in advance of job offer.
      • Tap into nontraditional talent pools and hire for potential.
      • Recruit transitioning service members and veterans.
  • Internal Candidates
    • Roles can represent an opportunity for nonclinical ladder and career pathways.
    • IRAPs can be leveraged as part of the preexisting organizational tuition and education programs.
    • Upskill incumbent workers by offering competency-based training to get employees up to speed quickly and efficiently.
  • All candidates
    • Once hired, provide real world job experience through on-the-job training and related instruction.
    • Take advantage of innovative, industry-driven approaches to scale a proven workforce education model.
    • Recruit for hard-to-fill or low-retention-rate roles that require specialized knowledge and experience, putting the right people in the right places.

Community Benefit

  • Additional opportunity to show commitment to the community.
  • IRAPs represent a commitment to the local workforce.
  • Any money spent or time offered to IRAP participants can be reported as community benefit/spend.
  • IRAPs can represent an entry point to health care careers that high school and community college students are unfamiliar with.

​Turnover, Engagement and Return-on-Investment

  • Increase employee engagement and retention.
  • Research shows that a proactive training strategy such as apprenticeship will result in better patient outcomes and offers substantial return on investment.
  • Support existing staff development to train staff faster and more affordably through a work-and-learn approach to increase knowledge and skill levels.
  • Deliver free training for preceptors to guide them in their work as facilitators of learning.
  • Streamline workforce hiring and training.
  • Supply an immediate pool of workers for today and skilled talent for tomorrow.

Partial Coverage of Training Costs (as funding permits)

  • Tuition for related instruction
  • Apprentice completion incentive
  • One-time site launch fee

Comparing IRAPs and RAPs

What is a Registered Apprenticeship Program?

A Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) is a proven model of apprenticeship that has been validated by the U.S. Department of Labor or a State Apprenticesh​ip Agency. RAPs enable and energize more employers to participate and provides them access to larger talent pools that have been trained for entry-level to management positions, thereby meeting industry demands and reducing unemployment rates across the country.

What is an Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program?

Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs) are high-quality apprent​iceship programs recognized by a Standards Recognition Entity (SRE) pursuant to DOL standards. These programs provide opportunities for individuals to obtain workplace-relevant knowledge and progressively advancing skills. IRAPs include a paid work component and an educational component, resulting in an industry-recognized credential.

​Comparison Chart

Credential Type DOL Registered ApprenticeshipIRAP
On the Job TrainingFull-time salary while learning on the jobFull-time salary while learning on the job
CredentialsDOL certificate of completion, which may or may not include industry recognized credential. Must result in industry recognized credential issued by the certification body.
Portable CredentialRAPs do not necessarily culminate with any type of credential other than a DOL certificate of completion. IRAPs culminate with a nationally or internationally recognized certification that allows for complete portability.
Stackable CredentialNoYes — more than one national certification may apply and allows more flexibility in harnessing the capabilities of the individual.
Credit for Prior LearningMaybeYes — with placement at appropriate level based on experience this is totally customizable for the apprentice. No repeated learning for the sake of meeting a requirement. Targeted training to achieve the results with less time, less cost.
LawsSafety and EEOSafety and EEO
Length/Time RequirementMinimum of one year/2000 work hours, includes minimum of 144 training hours None required — specified by industry and credentialing body to achieve competency
Apprentices Employed and PaidYes – wage increases required.Yes — must state wages and basis for any increases; must also state criteria for promotion if any, as determined by employer.
Progress Measured By…Time, competencies or bothOccupation-specific competencies
Training ContentIndustry/employer determines; minimum of 144 hours per year.Determined and validated by industry and the appropriate credentialing body
MentorshipRatio of 1:1 mentor to apprentice recommended but flexible.No set ratio, but programs must provide structured mentorship throughout. Dallas College IRAPs require mentor training.
OriginationDOL, Labor UnionsIndustry
FocusFocus is on meeting laws and fulfilling a checklist.Focus is multifaceted, to include: tasks, training, competency gains and mentor training to ensure a person can do a job and is equipped for a career path in that field. Further, emphasis is placed on meeting workforce needs to ensure workers gain industry-related competencies, establish work readiness skills and receive appropriate mentoring in the most cost and time efficient manner.
RecognitionDepartment of LaborStandards Recognition Entity (SRE)
The SRE for Dallas College is the ANSI National Accreditation Board.
Annual Program ReviewNoneRequired Third Party Assessment/Validation (conducted annually by the SRE)
Note: ANSI is the government’s choice for its own third party validation.
IndustriesMostly in the trades, constructionApplies to all industries and job levels, including white collar jobs.