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Dallas College offers a variety of courses for everyone. You can find a listing of many of our course rubics, listed by description. in the list below, The full listing of current courses is available in the Browsable Course Schedule.
Credit Courses
Earn a college degree or certificate, or take just a few credit classes to help you reach your transfer goals.
Continuing Education Courses
If you're not working toward a college credit degree, but looking to refresh your knowledge and skills in a particular area, CE classes may be just the ticket.
- Administrative Assistant/Secretary - POFT
- Applied Music - MUAZ
- Art - ARTZ
- Auto Mechanic/Tech - AUMT
- Banking and Financial - BNKG
- Bilingual/Bicultural Education - EDTC
- Building/Property Maintenance and Managing - CBFM
- Business Management - BMGT
- Business Systems Network Telecommunications - ITCC
- Carpenter - CRPT
- CIS Security Information Assurance - ITSY
- Communications - COMG
- Computer Engine Tech - CETT
- Computer/Info Sciences - ITSC
- Construction Equipment Operator - CNSE
- Construction/Building - CNBT
- Criminal Justice - CJLE
- Culinary Arts/Chef Train - CHEF
- Dance - DANZ
- Dental Technician - DNTA
- Developmental Learning - DLEZ
- Drafting - DRTG
- Echocardiogram Tech - ECRD
- Electrical/Power Inst - ELPT
- Emergency Medical Technology - EMSP
- Food and Beverage/Restaurant Manager - RSTO
- Foreign Language - LANZ
- General Business - BUSG
- Heating/AC/Refrigeration - HART
- Horticulture Service Operations/Management - HALT
- Hospitality Admin/Management - HAMG
- Human Resource/Personnel - HRPO
- Hydraulics - HYDR
- Industrial Electronic Installer - IEIR
- Industrial/Manufacturing Technology - INMT
- Information Processing/Data Technician - POFI
- Information Sciences/Systems - ITNW
- Information Technology and Computer Technology - ITSZ
- Introduction to Shop Safety - DEMR
- Logistics and Mater. Management - LGMT
- Machine Shop - MCHN
- Machining - MCHZ
- Mammograph Technology - MAMT
- Manufacturing - MFGT
- Masonry - MBST
- Medical Assistant - MDCA
- Medical Laboratory Asst - PLAB
- Medical Records Technician - HITT
- Nurse Residency - MDSZ
- Nursing - RNSG
- Nursing - NURZ
- Nursing Assistant/Aide - NURA
- Occupational Math - TECM
- Occupational Safety/Health Technology - OSHT
- Patient Care Tech - NUPC
- Pharmacology - HPRS
- Pharmacy Technician/Assistant - PHRA
- Photography - PHOZ
- Physical Education - PHEZ
- Plumber and Pipefitter - PFPB
- Real Estate - RELE
- Robotics - RBTC
- Senior Citizen Program - SRCZ
- Sign Language Interpreter - SLNG
- Student Leadership - EDUZ
- Surgical/Operating Room Tech - SRGT
- Test Preparation - TESZ
- Welder/Welding Technology - WLDG
- Welding - WLDZ