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Students who are accepted into the Texas A&M-Chevron Engineering Academy will enroll in math, science and core curriculum courses at any one of the Dallas College campuses, while also enrolling in Texas A&M engineering courses taught by Texas A&M faculty at the Brookhaven Campus.
In one or two years, depending on time it takes to complete these early courses, students will transition to Texas A&M to complete their bachelor’s degree in the highly ranked College of Engineering.
Sample Schedule
This sample schedule is only used as an
example of what a calculus-ready student might be taking their first year in the Academy. Students may be expected to take 30 credit hours in the first year.
Calculus I (4 credit hours)
Chemistry for Engineers (4 credit hours)
Engineering Lab I (2 credit hours - A&M course offered only at Brookhaven Campus)
Core Curriculum (3 credit hours)
Total credit hours: 13
Calculus II (4 credit hours)
University Physics I (4 credit hours)
Engineering Lab II (2 credit hours - A&M course offered only at Brookhaven Campus)
Core Curriculum (3 credit hours)
Total credit hours: 13
Calculus III (4 credit hours)
Communications: English I and Technical and Business Writing (6 credit hours)
Government: Federal Government and Texas Government (6 credit hours)
American History: US History I and Texas History (6 credit hours)
Creative Arts: See an advisor (3 credit hours)
Social and Behavioral Science: See an advisor (3 credit hours)
Language, Philosophy and Culture: See an advisor (3 credit hours)
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
Students in the Engineering Academy are required to purchase computers to complement the course instruction. There are specific computers that will accommodate the needs of engineering students throughout a four-year degree plan.
Should remote learning be necessary, smart phones will also be required devices.
For financial aid recipients, the purchase of a computer can be considered in the cost of attendance. Learn more about the
BYOD policy at Texas A&M Engineering.