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Registration Deadlines
Dallas College at Forney participants complete the general
Dallas College Registration Process and notify Forney ISD of the intent to enroll. To update student tuition before payment due dates, registration deadlines for the Dallas College at Forney program differ from those of Dallas College.
Please see below for the Dallas College at Forney registration dates.
Fall Semester Enrollment
July 15 – Dallas College at Forney priority registration deadline.
August 1 – Dallas College will communicate program status updates to the students via email.
Spring Semester Enrollment
December 1 – Dallas College at Forney priority registration deadline.
December 15 – Dallas College will communicate program status updates to the students via email.
Summer Semester Enrollment
April 15 - Dallas College at Forney priority registration deadline.
May 1 - Dallas College will communicate program status updates to the students via email.
Note: Deadlines and communication dates will occur on the following business day if they fall on weekends or holidays.
Registration Rules
Tuition discounts are only available for eligible courses. Please see the Dallas College at Forney Eligible Course List.
To receive the tuition discount, students registering for Welding, HVAC and Patient Care Tech classes must register for the in-person class sections offered in Forney when available. Dallas College will also offer select core evening courses at Opportunity Central (The OC); these offerings will be noted on the credit schedule each semester.
View Dallas College at Forney Eligible Course List (PDF - 96KB)
Registration Processes
Intent to Enroll
Students new to the Dallas College at Forney program must register for eligible Dallas College evening courses
and notify Forney ISD of their intent to enroll by completing the “Dallas College at Forney - Community Registration” on the
Dallas College at Forney ISD website.
Students continuing in the Dallas College at Forney program only need to register for eligible Dallas College courses.
Tuition Status Verification
Initial tuition amounts will reflect out-of-county tuition. Students will not see a tuition change to the
in-county tuition rate until close to the start of the semester of enrollment.
Students participating in the Dallas College at Forney program will receive an email verifying their in-county tuition status each semester based on the abovementioned dates.