Allied Health Sciences and Nursing Information Packets and Sessions

New Health Sciences Preview Events!

The School of Health Sciences now offers a series of webinars and information sessions throughout the year!

Packets are now available in Microsoft Word DOC format for downloading and saving to your computer. You may also contact the Health Occupations Admissions Office and they will send you an information packet for the program(s) of your interest.

For the best experience, we recommend using Chrome as your browser when downloading information packets and sessions.

Dallas College is committed to ensuring accessibility of its digital technology and is actively working to increase the accessibility of this webpage and electronic documents. Should you experience any difficulty in accessing information on this webpage, please contact the Pathway Specialist team at or call the Allied Health Admissions Office at 972-669-6400.

Download Packets:

  • Associate Degree Nursing Important: Dallas College will be closed during Spring Break beginning March 8, 2025 and will return March 17, 2025.  

Immunization Requirements

Medical Information and Immunizations are required of all applicants to be accepted into a Dallas College Health Profession Program.

Please visit Applicant Instructions Regarding Immunizations and Health Forms

Health science information sessions are now offered online. Please download a program information packet (from the links above) prior to viewing our online information sessions.

Each Powerpoint slideshow file linked below is a large file download (between 27 MB and 66 MB), and requires speakers for the audio presentation.

Secure Link Request

To receive a secure link to apply for your program of interest, please answer the following questions.