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You can register for continuing education classes in one of two ways:
1. Online/Instant Registration
If you are not a current student or are new, please
complete our online form to get started or come in person to speak to a
Continuing Education Success Coach.
2. Email Registration
Contact the
Continuing Education Office by email if you have questions about courses, registration or areas of interest, or for general continuing education information.
Payment Information
There are no payment plans for continuing education classes. If a class is full or canceled by Dallas College, your payment will be returned.
Register Early and Get the Classes You Want
Please register at least three days before your class begins. All courses have limited enrollments and are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. By enrolling early, you guarantee your place in the class. You must register before attending class.
Remember, either a social security number (optional) or student ID number is required to register.
Adding Classes, Dropping Classes and Getting Refunds
Before the first day of class, you may visit your campus in person or send the office an email to drop a class or change from one class to another.
If a refund results from the change, we will
refund the difference to you. If additional tuition is required, you must pay the difference when you request the add/drop. All transfers are subject to the standard
refund policy.