New College Student Enrollment

Applying to college is a lot like preparing to run a race. You have to get ready, get set and finally go!


New-to-college students must complete an application for admission to Dallas College.

Start Your Application

What's Next?

After submitting your completed application, be on the lookout for an email that will contain your new student ID and appropriate next steps. Please allow 24-48 hours for your welcome email to arrive.

Almost every student is eligible for some type of financial aid.

That might mean federal grants or loans. But even if you aren’t eligible for federal aid, you may qualify for a work-study job, scholarships, emergency funds, food assistance and more. But you must apply!

Steps To Apply for Aid

Collect and submit the following required documents.

Important! While you might be currently working with a college coach (recruiter), before you can meet with your success coach (advisor) or register for classes, you must first submit the following documents.

1. High school and/or college transcripts

2. TSI assessment or high school test scores

3. Proof of meningitis vaccination

What’s Next?

After you have submitted all of your documents, be on the lookout for an email from your success coach (advisor). They will help you plan your college journey and register for classes. Prepare by completing the Orientation and Prepare to Register steps under Set.

Continue to Set

Having trouble with your application or any of your required documents?

Get Help From a College Coach


New Dallas College students should complete orientation after finishing the enrollment steps and before meeting with your assigned success coach (advisor) for advising and registration.

Orientation provides a high-level overview of the college structure, registration and financial aid, support services and student rights and responsibilities.

Start Online Orientation

What’s Next?

You will receive a certificate when you complete orientation.

Now it’s time to prepare to meet your success coach (advisor).

Prepare to register for classes for the upcoming semester by making sure you have completed items on the checklist.

Only for students who applied for financial aid:

You haven’t applied for financial aid? You should! Even if you don’t qualify for federal grants, you are probably eligible for some type of aid. Learn more about how applying for financial aid can help you!

What’s Next?

If you are unsure about what to choose for your guided pathway and program of study, discuss your options with your success coach (advisor).

Connect with your assigned success coach (advisor) to finalize your registration plan.

You can find your success coach in the Navigate app.

Choose the most convenient way to connect with your success coach:

What’s Next?

After you have met with your success coach (advisor), make sure to create your academic plan in the Navigate app and move on to Go to register for classes. You can skip the Register step if your success coach already registered you for classes during your meeting.

Continue to Go

Orientation? Guided Pathways? Success coaches? Don’t get overwhelmed.

Get Help Now


Once you have completed the application and advising process, you may now register for the coming semester!

Registration opens for May term, Summer and Fall in April and for Winter and Spring in November.

Register Online

Need help with registration?

What’s Next?

Confirm your registration by viewing My Class Schedule in eConnect and printing your receipt.

You may now move on to Pay.

Find out when, where and how to pay.

Remember, financial aid and payment plans are available.

Payment resources:

What’s Next?

Congratulations! You have now completed the admissions, advising, registration and payment steps! All you have left is to get ready for your first day of class!

You’re almost there! But there are still a few steps left.

Get Help Now

Get Help With Advising and Registration

We’ll help you get the information you need about advising, registration and paying for classes.

In-Person Hours

Phone, Text, Email and Chat Hours

  • Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. (phone & text)
  • Sat: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (phone & text)
  • Sun: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (phone & text)
  • Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - midnight (email)
  • Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - midnight (chat)