Page Content
Revenue: Where The Money Comes From?
Revenue: $621,204,332
- 58.3% Taxes
- 20.3% Tuition
- 17.1% State Appropriations
- 1.6% Transfers & Other
- 0.2% General Revenue
- 2.1% Investment Income
- 0.4% Federal Grants & Contracts
Expenditures: Where The Money Goes - Who?
Expenditures: $621,204,332
- 26.9% Instruction
- 32.4% Institutional Support
- 18.6% Student Services
- 9.3% Plant Operations & Maintenance
- 10.5% Academic Support
- 2.2% Public Service
Expenditures: Where The Money Goes - What?
Expenditures: $621,204,332
- 57% Salaries & Wages
- 17.9% Operating Expenses
- 7.2% Staff Benefits
- 15.3% Purchased Services
- 2.7% Supplies & Equipment
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