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Required Documentation
In order to process your official degree plan, you must submit all of the following documentation to:
Dallas College
Attention: Admissions Processing
3737 Motley Drive
Mesquite, TX 75150
Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD-214) if you are a veteran. If you are still on active duty, please contact the LeCroy Center for guidance.
- Military transcripts
- College and university transcripts from
all post-secondary schools you have attended (even if you did not graduate).
If you graduated from a non-U.S. institution, you will need to use a
foreign credential evaluator service.
Obtaining Military Transcripts
Depending on the branch in which you served, you can obtain your military transcript from one of the sources below. Your military transcript provides us with documentation of training you received in the service so we can grant you college credit hours for it.
High School Transcripts
High school transcripts are not required to apply for veterans benefits, but they may be required if you are applying for financial aid.