Child Watch: Drop-In Child Care


In partnership with the YMCA, Dallas College is pleased to announce free drop-in child care at its Downtown Health Sciences Center in the Paramount Building. The historic building is only a block away from main buildings of Dallas College El Centro Campus.

Known as the Child Watch Program, space is available to the children of eligible Dallas College students on a first-come, first-served basis each day.


Eligible Dallas College students must be:

  • Currently enrolled
  • Taking at least one course at Dallas College
  • Have children between the ages of 3-12

Immigration status is not considered for enrollment.


Program Benefits

When your children are in the Child Watch program, you have the freedom to use that time as you see fit. You might:


Meet with classmates for class projects or study groups.


Visit the Learning Commons for tutoring.


Attend on-campus events.


Sign up for additional college classes (and graduate sooner).


Ready to use drop-in child care?

Just bring your child(ren) and your Student ID and State ID. We recommend you complete the Child Watch paperwork on the YMCA website in advance of your first visit, however you can also register on site.

Register Now Through the YMCA


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Child Watch Program Services

  • Service Hours: Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-Noon; 1-5 p.m.; 6-9 p.m

Eligible families can receive the following services free of charge:

  • Children ages 3-12 may be dropped off for up to 4 hours at one time.
  • Spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis each day.
  • 20 spots available for each 4-hour time slot.
  • Daily activities provided.

What to Expect

Potty Training Requirements

  • To ensure the best experience for all children, it is preferred that children attending Child Watch be potty trained. However, this is not a requirement. Parents of children who are not yet potty trained should remain accessible by phone during their child's time in Child Watch, as we may need to contact them for a diaper change. For safety and hygiene reasons, Child Watch staff are unable to assist with diaper changes.

Professor Communications

  • It’s important to communicate with your professor about any requests or concerns related to being a student parent. For example, you might send a message like this: ”I wanted to inform you that my child(ren) are enrolled in the college's drop-in child care program. As a result, I need to keep my phone with me during class so I can remain accessible in case of any safety concerns or emergencies.”

Space Limitations

  • Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis each semester. Please register in advance once you know your class schedule.