Dallas College supports students who are seeking degrees in a nontraditional occupation.
The U.S. Department of Labor defines a "nontraditional occupation" as an occupation in which 25% or less of one gender is employed.
Why Pursue this Career Path
You are more likely to experience job satisfaction if you choose an occupation based on your personal interests, skills and abilities. Not what society says men or women “should” or “should not” do. Many nontraditional occupations offer competitive salaries, great advancement opportunities and benefits. You’ll even find some nontraditional occupations offer high paying careers without needing a degree.
Support for Women and Men
Working Wonders offers special resources (such as child care assistance) to support students seeking degrees in nontraditional occupations. And, we are seeing changes because of it! Recent trends show rises of nontraditional employment. Also, research shows societal views of "traditional" genders in the workforce are shifting.
Nontraditional Occupations For Women
Computer Information Technology (Networking Security Awards)
Computer Information Technology (Programming Awards)
Digital Forensics
Electrical Engineering Technology
Engineering Technology
International Business and Trade
Nontraditional Occupations For Men
Business Office Systems and Support
Office Technology
Travel Exposition and Meeting Management