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I'm a single parent, do I qualify?
You qualify as long as:
- Your minor child/children reside with you and you are not living with the child's other parent.
- You are in an AAS degree or certificate program - (Associate of Applied Science Degree).
- Show a financial need.
I'm not a single parent, can I still qualify?
Yes, if you're pursuing one of the AAS degrees or certificates and show a financial need.
I receive financial aid, can I still qualify?
Yes, as long as you meet the above-listed requirements.
I am a single parent and have a financial need, but I am not in a technical program. I am working on an Associate of Arts/Science degree. Can I still qualify?
Unfortunately, you do not qualify for this program. Funding for Working Wonders is provided through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board with funds received from Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006. The guidelines state a student must be in a technical program pursuing an AAS degree or certificate.
Will I qualify if I'm married but separated?
Yes, as long as your spouse does not live in the home and the children reside with you.
My kids are grown and I want to come back to school. Can I qualify as a displaced homemaker?
For the purposes of this program, the definition of a displaced homemaker is as follows: Someone who has been out of the job market for several years staying home working as a homemaker. This person is now forced to reenter the job market due to loss of income resulting from divorce, death or disability of the income provider.