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After Reading This Page, Do the Following:
- Create your weekly study plan (5 minutes)
- Identify one tip to implement now (3 minutes)
Tips from Successful Dallas College Students
Use a planner! I have so many responsibilities to juggle throughout the day. Having a planner makes it easier to remember upcoming assignments and materials that I’ll need to bring to class.
Do the required reading. I know a lot of my classmates don’t do the reading because it can be a chore, but it can really help you prepare for upcoming lectures and assignments.
Take care of your mental health by taking a break. Whether it is taking a walk, listening to music, watching a movie, spending time with friends or taking a nap, you need some time for yourself.
Stay organized by using the syllabus to plan out all your assignments. After the first week of class, sort out which classes need the most attention and schedule time to work on them each day so that your workload doesn’t get out of hand.
Prepare for a College Class
Write down your instructors’ contact information. Contact your instructor when you have questions and need clarification. If your instructor has office hours, plan to attend them if needed. Office hours are times that instructors reserve specifically to meet with their students!
Pay attention to deadlines. Make sure to read the calendar in your course syllabus carefully. There are usually specific deadlines throughout the semester when you will be expected to submit work.
Set a schedule for class work. Set aside time each day to work on your class assignments. Put your schedule and due dates on a calendar. The
Weekly Study Plan Worksheet (DOCX - 42KB) can help you organize your week. For an example, see
Weekly Study Plan Example (DOCX - 44KB).
Take notes and organize information. When reading or studying class content, take notes in your own words and prepare visual aids such as charts, flashcards, concept maps, etc. Different colored pens and highlighters can help you stay organized.
Prepare for exams. Review the required readings. Study your notes and read them aloud to yourself if you are an auditory learner. Make practice tests or flash cards to prepare for quizzes, tests and exams. Partner with fellow classmates to have a study session.
Use Dallas College’s free student resources and services. Learn more about Dallas College resources to help you succeed in the classroom and beyond.
Prepare for Online Learning
In addition to the above tips, the tips below are specific to online learning.
Create a distraction-free work area. Prepare an uncluttered workspace in a quiet area. Turn off distractions such as the TV and your cell phone.
Read everything carefully. Course announcements, emails, and instructions on eCampus all provide important information. Read carefully and contact your instructor if you have any questions or concerns.
Participate regularly in the course. Log in to eCampus daily to check for announcements from your instructor, complete assigned work and participate in course activities.
Do not wait until the last minute. If you experience technical difficulties right at the deadline, you may not have time to fix the issue
and complete your work. You also want to give yourself plenty of time to think about your work before submitting it.
Contact Student Technical Support if you need help with eCampus. See
Student Technical Support for contact information and other help resources.
Connect with classmates. Reach out to other students to form a support or study group.