Page ContentWhy should I be tested for Tuberculosis (TB)?Tuberculosis (TB) is an extremely contagious and potentially fatal illness. TB bacteria can reside in your body for an extended period without any symptoms, a condition referred to as latent (inactive) TB infection. If left untreated, it can transition into active TB disease leading to illness and can easily spread from one person to another through the air. Undergoing testing and receiving treatment for latent TB is important to protect yourself, your family and friends, and your community.Am I at risk of TB?TB can affect anyone, but certain factors increase your risk of contracting the disease: Birthplace or Travel History: You have a higher risk if you were born in or frequently visit countries where TB is common like Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Living in High-Risk Settings: If you currently live or have previously lived in crowded group environments where TB is more common, like homeless shelters, prisons or jails, your risk is elevated. Occupational Exposure: Working in places with an elevated risk of TB transmission, such as hospitals, homeless shelters, correctional facilities or nursing homes, increases your likelihood of exposure. Close Contact with Active TB Cases: Recent contact with someone diagnosed with active TB disease can put you at risk of infection. Weakened Immune System: If your I'mmune system is compromised due to specific medications or underlying health conditions like diabetes, cancer or HIV, you are more susceptible to TB infection. How are you tested for TB? There are two different tests available for detecting TB infection. It's important to consult your healthcare provider to determine which test is most suitable for you. TB Blood TestIf you have received a TB vaccination in the past, your healthcare provider may suggest a TB blood test. The blood test assesses how your immune system responds to the TB-causing germs. It is greatly accurate and can be done in one clinic visit. TB Skin TestThe TB skin test involves a small needle and administering tuberculin substance under your skin. You'll need to return to your healthcare provider 2-3 days later to check for any reactions and receive your results. Don't wait to get tested. Visit your campus Health Center to speak to a registered nurse about TB and get tested. You can stop by or schedule an appointment for a health consultation. Mondays and Tuesdays are preferred for TB testing. Contact Your Campus Health Center For questions, contact Dallas College Health Services offers a Nurse Help Line to all students and employees seeking health advice and information. 972-860-8970 Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. and Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.