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If you have met all graduation requirements, have no financial holds, and have submitted a graduation application by the semester deadline, you will be awarded your degree or certificate of completion after the end of the appropriate term.
After the last day of the term, applicants are reviewed for eligibility. After six to eight weeks, the diploma or certificate is awarded and will be mailed by our diploma vendor, Parchment Award Diploma Services. It can take up to three weeks for the diploma to arrive through the U.S. Postal Service.
If you have lost or damaged your diploma, you can submit a diploma replacement form.
If your name has changed, please contact an admissions office to complete the name change process before placing your diploma order. Once your college record has been updated, you can order a new diploma.
Diplomas and certificates are mailed through our vendor, Parchment Award Diploma Services, up to three weeks after we approve your diploma request. Replacements are $25 each, and you must pay the fee to the Business Office. You must also include a notarized statement explaining why a replacement is needed. Orders are not processed until we receive a copy of the receipt with the notarized statement and completed diploma replacement form. The completed diploma replacement form, notarized statement, and copy of your receipt should be sent to