General Complaints and Grievances


Dallas College is committed to understanding and assisting the needs of all students, staff, faculty and visitors. To help answer general questions or address concerns and grievances, we ask students to submit this information using the Student Complaint Form. Based on the information you provide, the appropriate staff member will contact you.

Submit a General Complaint or Grievance


Complaint Process

Upon receipt of a complaint from a student, a Student Conduct Officer (SCO) will conduct the first level of review. The SCO, upon receipt of a formal grievance, shall review the allegations included in the grievance and any supporting documentation. As deemed necessary and appropriate, the SCO will meet with the grievant and any related parties, collect and review relevant documents and consult with appropriate departments. The SCO will render a decision regarding the allegations contained in the grievance within 10 business days of its filing.

  1. Every effort should be made, if appropriate, to resolve a complaint informally between the student and the employee most directly involved or responsible for the condition that brought about the complaint.
  2. If the matter cannot be resolved directly with the employee of concern, if appropriate, then an attempt should be made to resolve the complaint with the employee’s supervisor.
  3. If an informal resolution is possible, the matter is closed and documented by the employee and/or employee’s supervisor.
  4. If an informal resolution is not possible or an issue cannot be resolved informally, students may use the Formal Student Complaint/Grievance Process to address their concern(s).

  1. The student submits a complaint by submitting a Grievance and Complaint Form.
  2. A Student Conduct Officer (SCO) researches, collects information and renders a formal decision about the complaint.
  3. The SCO will notify the student, in writing, of the decision.
  4. If the student is not satisfied with decision provided by the SCO, the student may File An Appeal to the Dean of Students.
  5. The Dean of Students will notify the student, in writing, of the decision.
  6. If the student is not satisfied with Dean of Student’s decision, the student may submit a request for a final appeal to the Student Conduct Officer.
  7. The SCO will forward the final appeal to the appropriate Vice Chancellor or designee for review.
  8. The Vice Chancellor or designee will render a final decision.

File an Appeal

First Level of Appeal

When the grievance cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the student at the First Level of Review, the student may submit an electronic Appeal Form to the Dean of Students within 5 business days of the date of the decision.

Submit a Second Level Complaint Review

Final Appeal

A student who wishes to appeal the decision of the Dean of Students must submit the request for appeal and its basis in writing to the Student Conduct Officer for your campus within 5 business days of the date of the first level appeal decision notice. Final appeals will be forwarded for review and considered by the appropriate Vice Chancellor or a designee.

Complaint Policy

To view the full policy related to general student complaints, concerns and grievances, please see the Dallas College Student Complaint Policy FLD (LOCAL).