Elite Scholarships

​​​Full-Tuition Scholarships

Dallas College offers two elite, full-tuition scholarships that not only pay for tuition and books, but focus on your growth, networking and community activities. They also provide mentors through your educational journey.

Erin Tierney Kramp Encouragement Scholarship

The Erin Tierney Kramp Encouragement Scholarship, established in memory of Erin Tierney Kramp who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33, awards scholarships to students based on their courage and perseverance in the face of adversity.

Recipients of the Erin Tierney Kramp Encouragement Endowed Scholarship will receive funds for tuition and books for up to six consecutive semesters, plus other advantages:

  • One-on-one mentoring
  • Enrichment activities
  • Emergency fund
  • Opportunity to continue their college education beyond Dallas College as an Erin Tierney Kramp Scholar (must meet university requirements after completing hours at Dallas College)

Review the Eligibility Criteria and Applyfor the Erin Tierney Kramp Scholarship

Erin Tierney Kramp Scholarship applications are accepted April 1 to June 1.

Myers-LeCroy Scholarship

The Myers-LeCroy Scholarship recognizes outstanding leadership and academics. Students selected as Myers-LeCroy Scholars will receive a scholarship for tuition and books for up to six consecutive semesters, plus other advantages:

  • One-on-one mentoring
  • Networking with former Myers-LeCroy Scholars
  • Enrichment activities
  • Opportunity to continue their college education beyond Dallas College as a Myers-LeCroy Scholar (must meet university requirements after completing hours at Dallas College)

Review the Eligibility Criteria and Apply for the Myers-LeCroy Scholarship

Myers-LeCroy Scholarship applications are accepted April 1 to June 1.