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Step 4: Disbursements and Refunds
Dallas College begins disbursing financial aid funds at least 10 days before classes start for tuition only.
Any eligible refunds are released to students after the certification date, which occurs after the 12th day of classes for 16-week classes or after the sixth class day for flex-term classes or eight-week classes. This means that you must be certified as attending in your credit class(es) by your professor.
Step 5: Register For Classes
Be sure you understand how much aid you are eligible to receive before registering. Contact Financial Aid with any questions.
Make sure you do not owe any money to Dallas College, or you may not be able to register for classes. If you owe any money to previous schools, you may not be able to get required transcripts sent to us.
Tip: If there is a block on your record keeping you from registering, contact Financial Aid. We may be able to help.
Register for classes before Dallas College’s lock date.
You must be certified as attending in your classes by your professors to be eligible for financial aid funds.
Any tuition or fees you owe will be deducted from your financial aid at least 10 days before classes start.
If there are any remaining eligible funds, they will be transmitted to your account via the Touchnet Payment Center (requires Self-Service login).