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The meeting was called to order by President Rodger Bennett. New retirees and first-time luncheon attendees were recognized.
Delryn Fleming gave the Treasurer's Report. There was a motion and a second to approve the report and it passed unanimously.
Don Baynham presented the slate of candidates for 2022/23 office. They were, Lisa Theriot, President; Susan Turner, Vice-President; Diane Graifemberg, Treasurer; and Tammy Cooper, Secretary. There was a motion to approve the slate of candidates and a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
Rodger said that the Executive Committee had worked on some minor changes to the Bylaws. The changes involved changing the name from Dallas County Community College District to Dallas College as the District has been reorganized into one college. There were also a couple of revisions for typographical errors. There was a motion to approve and a second. The motion carried unanimously.
The event coordinators presented events that are being planned for this spring and beyond. Rodger thanked the outgoing officers.Lisa acknowledged Rodger's work these past two years as well. Attendees were told to be sure to leave name tags on the tables. Door prizes were presented.
The meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by:
Lisa Theriot