Maggiano’s Italian Restaurant, North Park Center December 5, 2023

​The meeting was called to order by the Retiree Association President Lisa Theriot at 12:37. Approximately 56 retirees and their guests were in attendance.


RA President Lisa Theriot welcomed the members to the luncheon and business meeting.

Treasurer's Report 

Treasurer Diane Graifemberg presented the treasurer's report, which showed we have $21,935.01 unencumbered funds available and $505.07 in savings, all at Chase Bank.  We have 261 Lifetime Members and 202 Annual members.

Minutes from Spring 2023 Luncheon Meeting

​Members were asked to read the minutes from the spring luncheon meeting.  The membership voted to approve the minutes without changes.

Proposed Bylaws Changes

Don Bayham presented the Proposed Bylaws Changes; copies of the changes were on the tables for all to read; they had also been printed in the fall newsletter.  The membership approved the changes, which are effective immediately.

Slate of Proposed Officers, 2024—2025

Don Bayham, chair of the Nominating Committee, presented the slate of proposed officers for 2024—2025.  He had a handout on the tables with the pictures and brief information on their background and professional career.  The membership voted to approve the proposed slate:  Lisa Theriot, President; J. D. Haight, Vice President/President-Elect; Diane Graifemberg, Treasurer; Linda Savage, Secretary.

​Biennial Directory of Retirees

Delryn Fleming made a motion that we start providing paid members with a PDF copy of our directory rather than a print copy as the cost goes up each time we print them.  The cost of printing and mailing the new one would be a little over $4,000.  Those who want a printed copy can pay for one.  The proposal was approved by the membership.  The directory to come out early spring will be a PDF copy except for those who tell Diane ahead of time that they want a print copy and are willing to pay for it.​