Page Content
Dallas College is a General Education Mobile (GEM) provider that offers general education curricula that meet CCAP degree requirement. The GEM program in an initiate by the Air Force and Space Force to assist Airmen and Guardians in obtaining their CCAF faster and with more continuity. The GEM program is a block of online classes that are needed for an Airmen or Guardian to obtain his/her CCAF. Dallas College offers classes in each of the semesters of general education categories needed to complete the CCAF.
As a recognized military-friendly institution, Dallas College is proud to serve as a General Education Mobile (GEM) provider. The GEM program is an initiative by the Air Force and Space Force to assist Airmen and Guardians in obtaining their CCAF faster and with more opportunity.
All classes are 3 credits unless otherwise noted
- ENGL 1301 - Composition
- ENGL 1302 - Composition II
- ENGL 2326 – American Literature
- ENGL 2327 – American Literature
- ENGL 2328 – American Literature II
- ENGL 2331 – World Literature
- ENGL 2332 – World Literature I
- SPCH 1311 – Introduction to Speech Communication
- SPCH 1315 – Public Speaking
- MATH 1314 – College Algebra
- MATH 1332 – Contemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning)
- MATH 1316 – Plane Trigonometry
- MATH 1342 – Elementary Statistical Methods
- MATH 2412 – Pre-Calculus I
- Math 2413 - Calculus I
- MATH 2414 – Calculus II
- SOCI 1301 – Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 1306 – Social Problems
- ECON 2301 – Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 2302 – Principles of Microeconomics
- PSYC 2301 – General Psychology
- PSYC 2320 – Abnormal Psychology
- HIST 1301 – United States History I
- HIST 1302 – United States History II
- HIST 2311 – Western Civilization I
- HIST 2321 – World Civilization II
- PHIL 1301 – Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL 2306 – Introduction to Ethics
- PHIL 1304 – Introduction to World Religions
- ANTH 2302 – Introduction to Archeology
- ANTH 2346 – General Anthropology
- ARTS 1303 – Art History I
- HUMA 1315 - Fine Arts Appreciation
- DRAM 2366 - Film Appreciation
Helpful Links
Dallas College GEM Point of Contact
Dr. Tina Root
- Senior Managing Director, Alternative Credits