Each spring, the Berding, Fordham, Jones Endowments enable Dallas College, through the submission and selection process, to award $500 to students who excel in art, music and creative writing.
About the Berding, Fordham, Jones Endowments - A Legacy of Giving
Eleanor and George Rather Jones established endowments in memory of their beloved family members, honoring their love of the arts — Alice Jones Berding Award in Music (1977), Cecil Wallace Fordham Award in Visual Arts (1979) and Eleanor Jones’ children and grandchildren established the Eleanor Fordham Jones Award for Creative Writing to honor her on her 75th birthday (2001).
The Jones family also created the George Rather Jones Memorial Scholarship that supports nursing students at Dallas College El Centro Campus.
Funding for student awards is provided through interest earned each year from the endowment.
The Jones family legacy of celebrating the arts is important to them. Passing it on to their children ensures the endowments will benefit many generations to come.