Business, Hospitality and Global Trade Career Path

​If you’ve chosen the Business, Hospitality and Global Trade career path, your next step is to choose which guided pathway within the career path is the best fit for you.

Your pathways advisor is happy to meet to discuss your academic goals. And your career coach is eager to meet to discuss your career goals. Both have tools to help you pick the right guided pathway and map out your future.

Also, consider your personality and temperament when exploring which guided pathway within Business, Hospitality and Global Trade fits you. Inspiring, enthusiastic and adaptable? Try marketing. Calm and methodical? Perhaps you belong in accounting.

Whatever your strengths, the advisors and coaches can help you — from start to finish.

Other Business, Hospitality and Global Trade Careers

  • AccountantFootnote1
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Bookkeeping, Accounting or Auditing Clerk
  • Business, Hospitality and Global Trade Operations SpecialistFootnote1
  • Chef/Head Cook
  • Data Entry Keyer
  • General/Operations ManagerFootnote1
  • First-Line Supervisor of Office and Administrative Support WorkersFootnote1

​​1 This job may require a bachelor's degree or higher. Please review current job openings and contact your advisor to review your options.

All data gathered for Dallas/Fort Worth. Source: Dallas College​ Labor Market Intelligence


Angelita Williams
Associate Program Manager, FedEx Office
"I’ve learned specific management skills in motivating people and keeping a group going, making sure there’s accountability and ownership of the project, and that everyone is working toward the same goal. It’s a valuable skill to know how to get a team to work collaboratively."

Read more of Angelita's story


Ready to take your first step in your new career?