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Why study French?
French is the fifth-most spoken language in the world and an official language in 29 countries. Learn French in order to join the huge community of Francophones.
France is the most popular tourist destination in the world. Knowing French will make exploring France—and other Francophone countries—that much more enjoyable.
If you work in international business, possessing strong French-language skills may give you a leg up.
Research has demonstrated the cognitive benefits of bilingualism. If you don’t already speak a second language, learning French will give your brain a boost.
Course Offerings
Dallas College offers beginning and intermediate
French courses.
Check the
credit class schedule for current course availability.
The Core Curriculum
French courses are part of the Dallas College
Core Curriculum.
Ask your success coach whether you can incorporate French courses into your degree plan.
Placement and Credit by Exam
If you are already proficient in French and feel that you are ready to skip one or more levels, you may take a placement exam. The placement exam will be used only for placement. It will not give you credit for any courses skipped.
If you want to receive credit for your knowledge of French, you may take the CLEP. You can find more information about this exam by visiting the
CLEP's website and contacting the Dallas College
Testing Center.
Before deciding whether to take a placement or CLEP test, please consult with your success coach.
Concurrent (Noncredit) Enrollment
If you'd like to take a college-level French class but do not need college credit, you can take it “concurrently" for noncredit. A concurrent section may already exist on the Continuing Education (CE) schedule. Please contact a CE success coach if you have any questions.