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Completed immunizations are not a requirement to apply to the Radiologic Sciences program. However, students who are accepted to the program
must have completed the required immunization series before they begin clinical rotations. Students without proof of completed immunizations will not be allowed to continue in the program.
No exceptions.
Health Center can administer most immunizations at a reduced cost.
Hospitals/clinical facilities have the right to refuse students who have asked for exemptions from immunization requirements for personal or religious reasons. These cases will be handled individually.
Required Immunizations
Hepatitis B series (three injections and titer required)
- The Texas Department of State Health Services requires that
all students who are enrolled in health professions programs and who are exposed to blood and bodily fluid must have completed the Hepatitis B series
prior to direct patient care.
- Students must complete the first injection of the Hepatitis B series upon admission to the Radiologic Sciences program, and they are responsible for submitting documentation verifying subsequent completion of the second and third injections prior to the start of the clinical practicum.
- Health situations, such as pregnancy or allergies, that may restrict a student from receiving the Hepatitis B vaccine must be documented by a physician, and a waiver must be signed by the student.
TDaP (tetanus/diphtheria/acellular pertussis), within the last 10 years
MMR (measles/mumps/rubella)
Varicella (blood titer or proof of vaccine is required)
Meningitis vaccine (for those under 22 years of age —
see requirements)
Tuberculosis test within the last six months (if positive, results from a chest X-ray will be required)
Seasonal flu vaccine
Students may visit a private physician, clinic, health maintenance organization (HMO) or medical center for an examination.