Eileen Jahn, CPS/CAP


Executive Assistant, Mattress Giant

“I really enjoyed my experience in the program. As an adult attending college for the first time, I felt very comfortable and not overwhelmed with a big campus atmosphere. I also felt very fortunate to have Pat Byars as an instructor, as she was able to help me find the right courses to take in order for me to meet my goal of achieving my degree. She was very instrumental in my finding out about the International Association for Administrative Professionals (IAAP), which in turn led me to my CPS/CAP (Certified Professional Secretary/Certified Administrative Professional) certification. Had she not taken the time that she does with her students, I might not be where I am today. 

“As a result of my course of study, I moved from a position as staff accountant into the position of executive assistant. In June 2006, I was awarded my CPS (Certified Professional Secretary) certification. In 2007 I sat for the CAP (Certified Administrative Professional) exam and after passing was awarded my CAP certification.”

Eileen Jahn earned a BOSS - Administrative Assistant associate degree, as well as several certificates: Business Administration - Business Trainee I, II and III; Off​ice Technology Administrative Support, Office Assistant and Software Application Specialist; and Accounting Clerk and Assistant.

​As executive assistant to the chief information officer, chief financial officer and controller in her company, she oversees the company’s fleet of vehicles, including purchasing new vehicles and maintaining insurance and registration; assists with maintaining the company’s inventory of cellphones and Blackberrys, maintaining corporate office copiers and ordering office supplies, processes insurance claims in addition to assisting all executives as requested.