Coaching for SUCCESS

​​Earn cash for meeting with your Success Coach!

The Coaching for SUCCESS program offers monthly cash incentives for meeting with your success coach. Move one step closer to earning $50 monthly while working towards your educational and career goals.

Who is eligible?

  • Students who have earned less than 24 hours of college credit and who have one year or more remaining in their program of study.
  • Have not completed College-Level Math and/or English 1301 credit courses.
  • Students from any Dallas College campus can sign up for the program; however, the designated success coaches will be located at Brookhaven, Cedar Valley or El Centro campuses.
My first semester was difficult, I didn’t know what to take, but this program helped me figure out my degree plan and prepare for my future career.”
Coaching for SUCCESS student


Coaching for SUCCESS provides:

  • Guidance from a designated success coach who you’ll meet with at least twice a month.
  • Individualized support to help you complete your program of study and graduate on time.
  • Prizes and rewards as you meet your goals.


For questions, contact Jonathan Lowe, program director of Coaching for Success, at