Don’t do life alone. Here at Dallas College, we have a coordinated team of caring staff who are committed to helping you manage the stress and challenges of everyday life.

Regardless of which campus you’re on or the hurdle you’re facing, our student care coordinators are here to assist you in finding the resources to live your best life. It’s important to note that care coordination is not counseling or therapy. Rather, student care coordinators develop helping relationships with students while coaching them toward appropriate resources, self-care and self-advocacy.

Care coordination is also not a punishment. We are here to help. If a student needs crisis management, coordinators “connect the dots,” working with all the different service offices across the college. We want to ensure our students are supported both in and out of the classroom.


First Appointment: What To Expect

During your first appointment with the Office of Student Care Coordination, you and your care coordinator may:

  • Discuss your current needs and any challenges you may be having.
  • Develop and implement a success plan.
  • Explore referrals to campus and community resources and assist with scheduling appointments.
  • Discuss your current concerns that may be causing you distress or problems.
  • Schedule any follow-up appointments if needed.

Anyone can submit a referral or ask for assistance.

After receiving a referral, a coordinator assesses the individual’s needs, and if necessary, consults with other members of the CARE Team to evaluate the level of risk and crisis the student is facing. The coordinator then connects the person to resources within Dallas College’s Student Care Network and the greater Dallas community.

When the CARE Team gets a report of problematic or concerning behavior, the team determines the best way to support, intervene and respond. The team then contacts the individual and coordinates a follow-up. 


Refer Someone

(who displays one or all of the symptoms)

How To Make a Referral



Warning Signs: How You Can Help When You See These Signs

If someone seems to have any of the symptoms above, or multiple symptoms, you can guide them toward help by following the recommendations below.

When talking with someone under distress, try to identify the feeling or emotional condition they’re in or name the concern.

  • "I noticed that …"
  • "Lately you’ve seemed …"
  • "It seems like …"

When or if they respond, show empathy for what they share with you.

  • "Wow, thank you for sharing that. It must have been difficult for you."
  • "You’re dealing with a lot right now."

Try to ask open-ended questions so they can express what’s happening to them.

  • "How have things been going for you?"
  • "What has been difficult for you lately?"
  • "What could make things better?"

Finally, summarize and repeat back what you heard.

  • "What I heard you say …"
  • "Let me make sure I understand …"