The Syllabus

After Reading This Page, Do the Following:

  • Download each course syllabus. (5 minutes)
  • Read each syllabus and identify the due date for your first assignment. (10 minutes per syllabus)
  • Place important dates and due dates on a calendar or planner. (15 minutes per class)

Introduction to the Syllabus



STUDENT 1: Ummm...what is a syllabus?

STUDENT 2: What is a syllabus?

STUDENT 3: What is a syllabus?

STUDENT 4: What is a syllabus?

STUDENTS: What is a syllabus?

MENTOR: All right. A syllabus is a course outline written by your instructor. This is THE map to navigating your course successfully, and it contains information about your class- like your instructor's name and other important stuff.

STUDENT 4: Like how to reach them.

MENTOR: Exactly. You've also got your course info, so you know where to go and what time to be there. Then you'll want to read the course description to find out what this class is all about in the first place.

STUDENT 1: Cool, but how do I figure out what I'm supposed to know when the class is over?

MENTOR: Page flip! You'll find that under "Student Learning Outcomes" on page 2 of your syllabus.

STUDENT 3: Does the syllabus have anything about what I need to bring to class?

MENTOR: Page flip! Right here under "Required Course Materials" you'll find everything you want to know.

STUDENT 1: And I hope I get a good grade.

MENTOR: Why hope when you can prepare? While it does take a little math, your syllabus should lay out how to plan for and calculate your grade.


STUDENT 1: What happens if I have to miss class? 

MENTOR: There's a place in the syllabus for that too. So you don't have any surprises when it comes to your final grade. And while you're at it, you might as well check into the late work and other course policies. And hey, check out institutional policies if you need accommodation for course assignments and exams.

STUDENT 2: Okay, last question. When is all this stuff due?

MENTOR: Whoa, whoa, you're talking! Buried deep in the back of the syllabus, on the final pages is a complete list of every chapter, assignment, quiz, and exam. You should enter all these dates into a calendar.

STUDENT 4: Why didn't I think of that? 

MENTOR: Don't mention it. Now...grab a bagel, a coffee and go read your syllabus.


Start the semester by collecting and reading all your course syllabi. The syllabus is the instrument your instructor uses to set the course expectations.

Read each syllabus to find out:

  • How to contact the instructor. The instructor's email address and phone contact (if available) will be listed. Unless it's the weekend or a holiday, your instructor will usually respond to contact within 24 hours.
  • The objectives or outcomes for your class. These will help you identify what you can expect to learn and accomplish at the end of the class
  • What the assignments and tests are for each class and when they are due. You should record the due dates of assignments on a calendar or planner.
  • What learning materials are used in the class. Some content will be in the Learning Materials link in eCampus or in a different area of the class as specified by your instructor.
  • How you are graded. This information is available on the syllabus so you understand how you will be graded.
  • The plagiarism and cheating policy. Students often run into trouble because they don't understand what counts as plagiarism or cheating. For instance, copying and pasting answers into an assignment from information found on the internet can have severe consequences.

For additional tips, please see The Importance of Reading the Course Syllabus.