Ready for Day One

​​Cong​ratulations! You decided to attend Dallas College to create a better future.  You selected a degree or certificate program, completed the admission process and made an appointment with a success coach (advisor). So,​ now what?


College classes require dedication and hard work. Ready for Day One will ensure that you are ready for the first day of class. Read the following pages and follow the steps outlined to become ready to start your college adventure to a brighter future.​


Technology Basics

When you're ready to sign on for success, here are the essentials to your online world at Dallas College.


Need help with eConnect or eCampus, or have a general question?

Our technical support staff will be glad to assist you.

Prepare for Success

We don't mind a bit of hand-holding to show you around our best tips and tricks for a great year of learning and achieving.

Class Essentials

Hit these high notes in class and you'll be putting yourself in the best position for academic success.