FAQ and Update


Yes. You may save your work on the virtual computers and access the files within the virtual environment. Your Desktop, Documents, and Pictures folders automatically sync with your virtual desktop. All Dallas College students have access to 1 TB (terabyte) of OneDrive (cloud) storage.

Students are encouraged to visit Multi-Factor Authentication webpage.

Yes. Each virtual desktop has a screen reader (JAWS) and magnifier (ZoomText) application to help students with limited vision.

image of desktop computer icons

Call the Help Desk at 866-374-7169.

Yes. Students can print from within the virtual desktop.

Please see the instructions on how to sign in using Rapid ID.


* Microsoft Windows App will replace RD Client.

Link to download Microsoft Windows App.

It is recommended to use the Windows App for a more seamless and responsive experience, especially for programs that require high-performance and stable connections. Interactive Technology, Engineering, and Creative Arts and Design desktops will perform better with the RD Client over the web version.

Students now have the option to use their email to add a workspace.

The feed discovery URL is optional. https://rdweb.wvd.microsoft.com/api/arm/feeddiscovery