Update Student Information Profile


​​​Update Student Information Profile

The Student Information Profile (SIP) form is a short list of questions pertaining to a student's reason(s) for attending classes at Dallas College. This information helps determine what types of services students may need or want and helps Dallas College apply for State and Federal grant funds to provide additional services to students. All students registering for credit or continuing education/workforce training class(es) are required to fill out or update their SIP.

Follow these steps to update your Student Information Profile:

Step 1:

In the address bar of a web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox), enter econnect.dcccd.edu.

Screenshot of the address bar of a web browser with econnect.dcccd.edu entered. 

Step 2:

On eConnect, choose Current Credit Student Menu.

Screenshot of the eConnect home page with Current Credit Student Menu highlighted. 

Step 3:

Under the My Personal Information section, choose Student Information Profile.

Captura de pantalla del menú Mi cuenta eConnect resaltando Actualizar mi pregunta de desafío. 

Step 4:

On the Log In page, enter your Student ID and Password. Then click Submit.

Screenshot of the eConnect Log In page with the ID and password fields highlighted. 

Step 5:

On the Student Information Profile page, you will have an opportunity to respond to thirteen questions. The page will show five questions at a time.

  1. Click the checkbox next to the answers that best answer the questions. Then click the Submit button.

  2. Continue responding and clicking the Submit button until all thirteen questions are answered.

  3. Once complete, click the Submit button.

Screenshot of the student information profile page with five questions. Click the checkboxes to answer the questions then click the Submit button.