eCampus Institutional Page

eCampus - The Institutional Page As a student, you will spend much of your time any eCampus. That's why we have packed eCampus full of useful links to the services and resources you need the most.

The eCampus Institutional Page, commonly referred to as the eCampus homepage, is the landing page after you log in to eCampus. You can also access the eCampus homepage by clicking the Dallas College logo in the top left.

The homepage has a different set of menus than your courses. Let's go through them left to right.

The Help menu exposes help for Dallas College systems and services.

The Tutorials for Online Tools is particularly useful. We have added a ton of videos to get help in the quickest possible way by showing you how things work.

Learning Support exposes Library, Tutoring, Testing, and IncludED service support. There is also a resource to help you prepare for your first day of classes.

If you need to contact your success coach, disability services, work on your career or connect with a counselor, click the Success Coaching and Counseling menu.

The Basic Needs menu tends to your food, shelter, transportation, and general health needs.

You are provided a quick link to your personal academic calendar that displays your class schedule and any tasks you add.

Pay special attention to the Tech Support menu, which contains technical resources that may otherwise be challenging to find.

Apps menu is another high-value menu. is your student portal. The student portal contains links to all the services and resources you see here in eCampus and more.

Additionally, your Virtual Desktop is here. The Virtual Desktop is a Windows 10 in a browser environment with all the applications you need to be successful in your classes.

Additional items like your personal media library, storage space, and Class Progress may appear on the More link.