Hand In Hand Support Program (Foster Care) Webinars


Recorded Webinars

Foster Care Benefits with Drew Melton

Hear from Drew Melton, a specialist with BCFS Health and Human Services, about Educational Training Vouchers and how they can help foster care students and alumni.

[Dr. Victoria McWilliams] Alright, so I wanted to introduce him to all of you today to give us a wonderful presentation on the training voucher that students can receive. Coming into college, going to community college, getting an associate's degree, getting a certificate, or even those students who are still in high school who are taking dual credit and how the educational training voucher can help you. So I'm going to stop my video and mute myself and turn it all over to Mr.Drew Milton. Thank you.

[Drew Melton] Hi. Thank you for having me. My name is Drew Melton and I'm an education and training doctors specialist with DCFS Health and Human Services. Just a little bit about myself. I was a teacher for about 15 years and the Los Angeles area mainly taught math. I also coached football. But I moved to Texas about five years ago and I became an aftercare case manager with DCFS. So I got a chance to see some of the obstacles that you are facing as they are aging out of care and moving on to college. I've been in this position for about the past two years. What I do now is I go around the state where they're virtually or in person. And I've talked to people about benefits for college for students with foster care experience. Definitely.

[Drew] I'm gonna go ahead and share my screen. But if you have any questions along the way, definitely feel free to chime in. Hopefully, all of you can either unmute yourself whenever you like or just put something in the chat and I'll stop what I'm doing and answer your question as best as I can. I'll go ahead and monitor the chat for you. Thank you. Hey, is everyone see my screen?

[Participants] Yes, we are.

[Drew Melton] Thank you. Great. Okay. So the first benefit I'm going to talk about is the tuition and fee waiver. Most of you on the cost should be eligible for the tuition waiver. Hopefully you're using it. A little bit more information about what it is. The tuition and fee waiver is a state law that waves tuition and fees for students that are attending colleges or universities, public colleges and universities in the state of Texas. So what the tuition waiver, you have to activate it for you turn 25. As long as you all are using your tuition waiver now is activated and it's locked in. If you know someone that may be eligible for the tuition waiver and they have not locked it in yet. They have to do it by the time they turn 25 years old. If they do it after that, they won't be able to use that tuition waiver. That this benefit goes away after the age of 25 and it's not locked in. However, for you all that have already locked it in, you will get it for the rest of your life. Doesn't matter how old you get. You can go to school until you're 100 years old. If that's what you want to do. No limit on credit hours. You only need to be taken one college course in order to lock it in. And you can take as many courses as you want during the semester as you want, you will never lose this benefit if you ever do decide to leave the state of Texas, but maybe take online classes at Dallas College, you would still be eligible for the tuition waiver. So the next benefit I'm going to talk about is the education and training voucher. This is the program that I worked for, but it's often confused with the tuition waiver. So a lot of students use that tuition waiver, but they don't access to education and training voucher. The education and training voucher, or ETV, is a federal needs-based benefits. So it's different than the the tuition waiver. So this gets a little tricky, but as of right now, ETV is providing up to $12,000. The amount of 12,000. It can be misleading because this is going to end the end of this month. So in a few weeks, we will no longer longer be issuing the $12,000.

[Drew] So. What's the best way for me to explain it. So you may be able to access some of this funding for the fall for this semester that we're in now. But you won't be able to access the rest of the $12,000 if that makes sense. Because of this change and when it's falling in the school year, the most you can be eligible for will be $6,500. So if you you may possibly qualify for 4,000 for the fall semester and then 2,500 for the spring semester for summer semester. I hope that makes sense. If you have any questions, definitely feel free to ask. With ETV, students can use that funding or housing, utilities if you're if you're paying rent, we can help pay your rent. If you're paying for electricity or phone bill, we can help pay those. Tuition and fees wouldn't apply to you. I see a hand raised. Let me go ahead and stop there. Okay.

[Participant] So you said that $12,000 will be changing. Is it gonna be updated with the new amount, like starting next year or something? So it will go back down to their original amount, $5,000 per school year. Okay. So it'd be like a total of ten. Note it'll be 20 it'll be 2,500 per semester.

[Drew] Yeah. Got you. Okay. So what's happening this year is that the federal government, It's treating it like a student is attending one semester in which they are only eligible for a third of the maximum amount. So that 12,000 gets knocked down to $4,000 for the fall semester. And then for the second semester, they can access the other half of the $5,000. That make it really doesn't make sense. I've been trying to work on explaining this, but it really doesn't make sense. But students will be eligible for a total of 6,500 for this school year total. So the tuition and fees, if a student was attending a private school, if any of you all were were attending a private school or you decide to attend a private school in the future, or maybe after you're done with that Dallas College, you will want to go on to technical vocational school and your tuition waiver may not cover that amount. We can help pay for those tuition and fees. Once all of those three things at the top has been taken care of, all of the rest of the funding goes directly to you, the students. And you can use the funding for childcare books and school supplies. Most of our students will buy a computer at some point. But I do want to warn you that you can only buy one computer during your entire time of getting ETV. So you want to make sure that you buy a really good computer that's going to last you a long time. You can also use ETV for transportation, meaning you can buy a bicycle or a bus pass. You cannot buy a car with the ETV funding, the federal government doesn't allow it. Many students have gone out and bought the first card that they see in their car breaks down. Now they don't have any transportation and they don't have their funding. So you can't buy a car, but if you already have a car, you can use the funding for our maintenance, car insurance, and car registration, things like that. Any questions so far?

[Participant] I have a question.


[Participant]So I'm actually 23 right now and I turned it just like age cap, like where they do it or this could be something that's for the rest of our life as well. As long as what the waivers.

[Drew] This is an age cap. If you meet the eligibility requirements. Let me go let me go ahead and go to the next slide. I had some questions put in here, but let me go to the next slide.

[Participant] Sorry, that was a little ahead.

[Drew]Yeah. No problem. So these are the educate the eligibility requirements. You need to be between the ages of 16.24. As of this moment. I'm the age limit was increased due to COVID as well. So the previous maximum age that you could be was 23, would end the month of a student's 23rd birthday. For this semester. You may be able to access it if you are 23. So if you're 23 and you're eligible, you meet the other eligibility requirements, you may be able to access ETB for this fall. But after this fall, the age limit is going to go back down to ending the month of your 23rd birthday. So you'd you'd have already passed that day. But you could be eligible for some money this semester as long as you meet these other eligibility requirements. Did that answer your question?

[Participant] Yes. I have another question would have been currently like on suspension as long as I just enrolled before. Like, I think I don't know. I might have to talk to my advisor about this. But it was just like, I guess considered a foster care kinda question because I wasn't sure if he could still receive the funds. I turned 24 in November.

[Drew] I guess it would depend on what kind of suspension you are are you attending this this fall semester?

[Participant] No. I wanted to but I wanted to go for like a flex term classes like as soon as possible like I could, but I thought I missed the deadline. I think the deadline was a 17th.

[Drew] For ten rolling classes.

[Participant] Yes.

[Drew] Okay. Yeah. That's something you have to check on because after September 30th, you wouldn't be eligible for this anymore. So what I would do, I'm gonna go over the I'm gonna go over the application and where you can apply for ETV. What I would do is go ahead and apply for ETV right now and then try your best to get enrolled in some classes this fall, whether it'd be the flex term for this fall. But I would say go ahead and apply anyway. You don't want to miss out on that money just in case you you are eligible.

[Participant] Okay. Thank you.

[Layonda Millsap] Okay. Before we continue, I just want to go back and just clarify on based off of the question that she asked. So if we have foster care students that meet the eligibility and they are sap out of the actual school. Will ETV funds like pay their tuition and books, even though they're not eligible for the waiver, are financially.

[Drew]Well, that depends. Some students that maybe unlike academic suspension from financial aid, they're not meeting a satisfactory academic progress. They may be eligible to receive ETV. It depends on how many semesters a student has been enrolled already. So they have a grace period of eight semesters before we start cutting ETV off due to the satisfactory academic progress.

[Layonda]Got you.

Okay. Any other questions? Okay. So as of this moment, in order to be eligible for ETV, you have to be between the ages of 16 and 24. It will end the month of a student's 25th birthday. Again, that's going to change. September 30th. It's going to change automatically. And there's no going back up to that. In order to be eligible, you have to be between those ages. You either have had to age out of foster care, currently be in foster care or extended foster care. Or if you were adopted or entered PMC agreement, You would have to be have been adopted or enter that agreement after you turn 16 years old. If you were adopted even a day before your 16th birthday, unfortunately, you won't be eligible for ETV. With ETV, you can use it for a maximum of 15 semesters or until the month of your 25th birthday, until September 30th. So it'll be 15 semesters or up until the month of your 23rd birthday after the end of this month? I know it's gonna be confusing for, for a little while longer. All of those changes due to COVID kinda, kinda made things confused and made things a little confusion. Plus, plus, when they're cutting it off, It's the end of our fiscal year, so it kind of didn't coincide with the school year. So it's gonna be a little confusing until this is all cleared up. So I'm not going to go I'm not going to ask you those questions because it's very, very confusing. Alright, so with ETV if you know anyone that's taken dual credits in high school, that can also be eligible for ETV. Again, for those dual credit students. They may want to think about whether they want to use ETV due to the semester. The sum x 15 semester maximum. If a student really doesn't need the ETV while they're in high school. They might want to save those semesters until they actually graduate and go to college. But once you do graduate high school and enter degree program, are you going to Dallas College? You do have to be taken six semester hours. So in most cases that's two classes. And then ETV is good for most schools in the nation that's different than the tuition waiver, you can use it at technical vocational schools, private schools. As long as the school has been in business and accredited for at least two years.

Any questions on? Okay. Alright, so hopefully this is clear things up a little bit. So this is basically a comparison between the tuition waiver at ETV. The tuition waiver as a state law, it can only be used at public colleges and universities in the state of Texas. The tuition waiver does not provide any funding. It waves tuition and fees for students that are attending public school in Texas. Once a student lacks that tuition waiver, and by the age of 25, you can get it for the rest of your life. There's no grade requirement knowing can ever take that benefit from ETV, on the other hand, is a need-based fund. So if you are a student that's decided to take out loans, those loans can really negatively affect how much ETV you get. Basically the federal government looks at the funds you, you've accepted and they, they they say the student doesn't have a need for ETV funding because they got the loans. Remember those loans you have to pay back and they take a really long time to pay back. So if you always say stay away from those loans unless absolutely necessary, you can take this ETV money. This is free money. You don't have to pay it back and you can leave the loans alone. I'm eating these good for most post-Second post-secondary schools in the nation, as long as they've been in business and accredited for at least two semesters. And then up until September 30th, ETV is providing the $12,000 per school year up to $12,000 per school year. And you need to be between the ages of 16.24, ends the month of a student's 25th birthday up until September 30th. After that, in the month of students 23rd birthday, or after 15 semester, whichever one comes first. Then again with ETV, you do have a grace period as far as your grades. But once you hit that a semester, you have to be making satisfactory academic progress in order to keep the TV. Now, if you lose ETV duty, your grades, you are you may have a chance to bring your grades backup and possibly get it again in the future. And these both of these benefits can be used at the same time. So if you're using your tuition waiver, don't worry, you can also use the ETV if you're eligible. So the first step in the process of getting ETV is to apply for financial aid. I'm sure all of you have already done that. I'm just makes sure that every year you apply as close to October 1st as possible. That's the opening day for the FASFA. Make sure you get your application in because there's gonna be some grants and scholarships. There are gonna be given on a first-come, first-serve basis. So you want to make sure that you get your name in the bucket for any of that free money. If you need assistance with your financial aid application, of course, you can talk with the financial advisors there at Dallas College. Just makes sure that they understand that you are a student with foster care experience and your FASFA is going to be filled out a little bit different than everyone else's. You can also go to your nearest Transition Center. There's a Transition Center in Dallas and Transition Center in Fort Worth. And actually, I suggest you go ahead and do that. Instead of getting it filled out at Dallas College, at the transition center, you're going to find a whole bunch of different resources. You're gonna be able to connect to all of your aftercare benefits as well as an aftercare case manager if you're if you're eligible. So it's really important for you to stay in contact with that transition center. And then again, accepting those loans can really negatively affect how much ETV you are awarded. So you really want to stay away from the loans. Alright, so the next step after your financial aid application is to apply for ETV. And you can do that on our website for the young lady that was asking about earlier. This is what you wanna do today if possible. And only it takes about 10 to 15 minutes. We have an online application and a downloadable version. I suggest you just go ahead and fill out the online application. That way we get the application instantaneously and we can start the process. Again, it takes ten, 15 min. This is the easy part in in the ETV process. Really important on the application. There's gonna be a space for trusted adults. So if there are any of you on this call that may be getting assistance from someone else? Especially for first-time ETV users. Usually you are going to need some help to get some of those documents and you can add you can add your trusted adult to the application, basically add their name, their email address. That way we can we can also talk to them and they can help you get the documents. So here are the deadlines for the ETV that that hit the age of 18. They have an option to stay in extended care until they're 21 years old. The supervised independent living program is a program offered to summer some students that decided to stay and extended care. Basically supervised independent living is you are still technically in foster care, but you live independently. So you may have, like an advocate coming to check on you once or twice a month. But you don't have all those extra expenses. You're not gonna be happy to pay for your housing, your food, your hygiene products, clothes, all of those living expenses you won't have to pay for. The state will be helping you pay for that. Really important is that if you ever think of transferring and moving it to a school that has dorms, make sure that you check with that school to see if they have supervised independent living on campus. You may be able to stay on campus. You won't have to pay rent for the dorms. You'll get that meal-plan and you won't have all those extra expenses. So here's a map of the DSPS regions. That was college is up there in region three. Most campus most Dallas College campuses are out there in region three. I think.

[Drew] In each region there is at least one transition center. And no matter where you are in the state, you can go to any Transition Center in any region and received the same services. The Transition Center is really important. That's where you're going to find your case management. Basically, you have someone that's going to help you. I used to be a case manager. So they a case managers are going to help you with everything from a to Z. If you need your checking account set up, you need help getting access to your other benefits. Need help with your ETV, your financial aid application. Everything is going to be found at the transition center. There's gonna be housing assistance, aftercare, transportation assistance. You there's always a texas Workforce advocate onsite so they can help you with employment. Then there's also the education specialists. That's what you want to talk to to get help with the financial aid application and basically anything else we've talked about today. And then transmission centers always have fun things going on. They have different benefits, different giveaways. Really a good place to be and to be involved in. The transition centers here in region three or one isn't Dallas. They're both run by the Transition Resource Action or city square. And that's the information for the one in Dallas, and there's also one in Fort Worth. And again, you can just contact them, let them know you want to see what your benefits you're eligible for and they'll connect you with all the benefits that you can access. This is the information for the ETV program. If you ever need to call us, just dial their 877 number and enter the region and you'll be directed to the coordinator for your region. So the coordinator for region three is going to be Sarah. That's where you can send all of your documents to. So once you get that tuition waiver and your school your class schedule, go ahead and email those right over to Sarah. I'll give you a second if you want to take a screenshot or take a picture or write it down, I'll give you a second to all your documents are going to go to

[Participant] Is there a way you can email us the slide afterwards is because I joined on the phone for some reason. I've been having a hard time just trying to connect through my laptop and it hasn't been letting me. But I've just only have notes.

[Drew] Yes.

[Participant] Thank you so much.

[Drew] You're welcome. And we're also recording this session. So once the recording is done, I'll make sure and send it to all the participants as well. Thank you.

[Drew] This is my information. I'll give you all a second. This is my and my coworker, crystal Lopez. This is our information. So if you have any general questions about the application process or the documents, you can always contact me. Now, if you've already liked some, started submitting your documents and you want to know how long it's going to take or where you are in the process. You want to contact Sarah, she's gonna be your main contact. If you're wondering where to get your tuition waiver or that verification of eligibility. You can contact Rebecca Daniel if you're no longer in contact with your pal caseworker trying to type Rebecca Daniel. She's one of two people that can help you get your documents. When you call Rebecca, you can just send her an email and just leave your name and your date of birth and let her know that you're wanting to get your documents for ETV and she'll know what you're talking about. The other person you can contact is Taylor Davis. And she's with our community, our kids, and she should be able to get to that information as well. Again, our website is TexasETV.com. And then really important is that space for trusted adults. If you have someone helping you through the process, add them to the application that way we can speak with them and they can help you through the process. If you are if you're if you're wondering about the application deadlines and you think you may need reminders. You can join our remind class. And basically I send out reminders via text or email. It depends. You can basically have it set up to where you get it in an email or you get it in a text message. But basically I'll send out the deadline reminders. Please do not sign up for this app until you have applied for ETV. Really important so we can keep track of all the ETV students in the system. And also do remind all you have to do is text. At ETV21 to 81010, you'll be added to the ETV21 class. Again, make sure you've already applied for ETv. You can also like us on Facebook and on Facebook, I'll put all the same deadline reminders there. You can access it with that QR code. And also, if you have anything going on in your area, you can always send me a flyer, something that's that may be helpful to other students. Sent me a flyer and I'll post it on the Facebook page. Then these are some different leaks for scholarships. If you wanna do your own research, there are two pages of these links. And then there are two scholarships that are offered through DSPS. One that's for freshmen and sophomores, one is for upperclassmen. They're both $4,000, I believe, for the school year and they're available when funding is available. And again, you can, you should be able to access those or at least access more information on these scholarships through the transients and center. So make sure you ask about those scholarships. Again, take all the free money you can get. Then here are some different links. If you're looking for a transition center near you, maybe you're in a different part of the state. There's a link to all the transition centers in the state. If you're coming from a different area and you're going to Dallas College, you may want to contact the power coordinator in the region you're coming from to get your documents, you can find all the power coordinators right there on that link. Their supervisor advised independent living providers, and then Texas Youth Connection in college for all Texans are really resourceful websites as well. Any other questions? Now, that was a lot of information. If you if there was something you didn't get or something that you need, you need clarification on. Feel free to contact me. I'm a lot easier to contact in our coordinators. And there are no other questions in the chat where there are no questions in the chat. Is there anyone that thinks they may be eligible and you want to go ahead and apply now, if you're at a computer right now, if you'd like, we can run through the application real quick. And I can go over some of the documents that to kind of help you out there, anybody that wants to kind of start the process now. Okay.

[Dr. Victoria McWilliams]Well, thank you, Drew for coming and sharing all the wonderful information that you have with us. It definitely a privilege to be able to have you come and be an expert in the field and share all your knowledge with us. I want to make sure that students know that we have a foster care liaison on every campus. So you can contact the liaison that's closest to you from Brookhaven through Richland. So you can always come and phone us or e-mail us and get in contact with us. Um, I'm gonna go ahead and sign out. So thank you guys for joining. My name is Dr. Victoria McWilliams in the Cedar Valley campus for Dallas College. Thank you for attending. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Dress for Success

The Career and Transfer Center discusses how to dress (and how not to dress!) for a job interview to make the best first impression with a potential employer. Tips about preparation and following up after an interview are also addressesd.

Maht Barrett and I want to welcome you to the dress for success workshop. I am a Program Advocate here at Dallas College with the hand-in-hand foster care program. And we are hosting this dress for success event to teach students how to make a good first impression on their interviews. And at the same time, gain confidence in the clothing that they wear to get the job that they want. We have an awesome presentation by Francisco over I go on with Korea and transfer here at Dallas College. And we look forward to teaching you all how to dress for success the right way. I will allow Francisco to take over now and we look forward to the presentation.

Thank you Matt. Someone, go ahead. Well, I wanted to share my screen but only say, it says only meeting organizers and presenters can share. I will pick that option. Alright, You should be able to now. I don't think he's letting me try it now. There it goes. Now I feel like I got the power Now.

We're good. So go ahead and so there it goes. Again, like massive minus Francisco. When I go on, I am a career and transfer specialist and I am house at the North Lake campus. We are in L1. 29 is the first floor of the library. People like to color the basement, but the first floor to sounds a little bit better. So that's what we call it, the first floor of the library. And so today we're gonna be talking about dress for success, right? So we're going to talk about the dress attire that you go into an interview with, what to wear, what not to wear, some interview questions, right? And at the end, also how to follow up after interview. So we're gonna go through the whole process today. And just to get started, again a little bit more about what we do. We are the career and transfer skills development office. So think about it as an endpoint, right? So the students either going to transfer to a university after receiving a degree, right? Or they're going to go into the workforce, right? So we're at the end point, we either help you get into the final job, right? Or we help you transfer it, right? Or both.

Or both. And even when you are a college student, we can help you with on-campus jobs, off-campus jobs, internships. And even after you graduate, you can still come back to us. So a little bit about the career side. We help with resume, building, cover letter, interview, prep, anything that has to do with you getting that job right and be prepared for that job, then that's our job. Right? And then the other side of the transfer side of finding the right major, the right university deadlines right through the application process and even after with scholarships. So all that, that is also our job, right? And there's Career Transfer Specialist in all seven campuses. There's at least three. I know recently has four, right, but there's at least three at every campus and in recently has four. So we are here to help. There's also you can check out more of our services down there at the website or the Dallas College dot edu slash career transfer. Alright, now into the presentation. So a little bit about the overview rise. So we're going to talk about the dressed in a tyre that you wear and don't wear to an interview. The first impression. We're gonna go into some interview questions. Also, nowadays, the remote jobs or thing. We obviously have a virtual kindergarten teacher. So there's a lot of virtual things that I did. I did, I had to learn. So we're going to talk a little bit more about the virtual interview as well. And then also after the interview and follow-ups, right? But it all starts with how do you prepare? How do you get into the interview, whether it's in person or virtually. All right, So real quick, what should I wear? The appropriate attire for the career field is a shirt. Blouse, slag skirts, heels, right?

Blouse, slag skirts, heels, right? Or flat. Usually they do say two to 3 ", right? And then for women than for men, you have a button up dress up dress shirt, blazer, slacks, dress shoes, right? You could do the lace, lace up or loafers. And then also try to stay with those neutral colors to gray, the Navy, the black or brown. Why you can never go wrong with those colors, right? And there is on the side, there's a few of the pictures. The difference between business, formal, business, business casual, smart casual. All of these are appropriate, but also keep in mind that you have to dress for the job that you want, right? So if you go in their business formal, you go look sharper, you'll look nice. And like they said, Right? You dress good, you played with your dress good, you're going to get the job. That's how we translate it to the career side. You dress good, you feel good, you're gonna get the job, right? So those are a few. Furman, you have the jacket, right? And even if a woman for business formal, you have that jacket, right? For male spores, you have the time, or you could do a three-piece suit with the best, right? And then once you go into the business, right, you go you go away from the business formal and it's just business, right? You have the same to tie the button up. Right. But you could do those things without a jacket, right? Same thing for the one on the woman's side. You have your blouse, you don't need a jacket, right? In business casual is a little bit more relaxed, right? Right. As you can, as you can see on those pictures and then smart caches a little bit more relaxed, right? But again, you, you dress good, you look good, you're gonna get the job. That is, that is one of the things that we like to talk about. And then Korean transfer office. So make sure you look good, right? So because we want to help you get that job. Now, what should you not wear? What not to wear, right? So don't be too casual, rye or inappropriate shirts, right? The t-shirt, jeans, flip-flops, leggings had right? Again, like all those is you're off off the job outfits or you can wear those. But into an interview, try to stay away from any distracting clothing brand that includes I ripped jeans or shiny shirts, right? In any of those neon colors, the yellow, the pink to green, right? And also tried some from the revealing clothing, right? So with this, as you can see in the pictures, there's flip-flops, sunglasses, right? There's some of the short skirts for women, right? So try to dress for the job that you want, right? There's different ways that you can dress up. And luca, last slide where you have the business, the business of business formula. You have business casual ride smart casual. There's different ways that you can dress up for the job interview, but try to stay away from anything inappropriate, anything like right there, Flip-Flops, right? You don't wear those two interviews. Right? But then you might be asking yourself, well, how any dress clothes, I don't have any shoes and he heals right. That I can go into a job interview. Well, I'm glad I'm glad that you asked me those questions. Right. So because we do have Dallas College, does they do have the Clothes Closet? The clothing closet.

And here are if you wanted to take a picture of it or screenshot, right. You see the locations. You see the times. Right. So Monday through Thursday, they open from 09:00 A.M. to 07:00 M.

P. rise, Cedar Valley. There will be 09:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M. right. And then Friday, you have 09:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M. right here. All all seven campuses and their location. Alright. And the room number. So now you don't have you don't you don't have an excuse or hey, I don't have any clothes, right. Because this is all free. I know you see the word right there on the left side. Free. You go in, you pick what you want, and you go out and go into your interview, right? Again, dress for the job that you want by. So, so please, please keep those in mind. Again. I'm going to say this again, it's free, right? So please go in there, use your resources, this Rs free resources, rather not going to charge it as long as you had Dallas College student, you have these resources that you can use, this free clothes, right? So please, please use these resources. So now, once you dress girl, you look, you picked out your clothes. Right? Now, we're gonna go into the interview. So for, for the interview, right, one of the very first things that's going to happen, right? It's that first impression. First impression is everything you can never have a second first impression, right? So please, please keep it in mind. That's how you dress good, right? That's where you're gonna go into the closet and get those suits, that jacket skills, right? Those skirts. You can look good, right? And again, first impression is a onetime thing, right? So it is very important that you punctual practice your travel plan, whether a couple of days in advance of the day before, see where how far is it from your house plant? Dallas traffic is crazy.

Right? So please plan accordingly, plan to be there 30 min early just in case anything happens. And you also have that firm handshake. Look.

Have a smile, look into their eyes. Have confidence in yourself. You got this far in the job interview, right? Because you're qualify. So have confidence in yourself. Now it's about for you to show off who you really are, your personality. What else do you bring to the table? So it now we got through your dress, right? You're in the business formal business dress right? Now. It's just about to do, it's about to keep making that first impression memorable that they remember you write, so be confident with your body, with everything. I have that body language, right? Confident biding lifestyle. You deserve to be there, right? You already have you already looked at with all the business formal, right? You look good, you're there, right? So now have the confidence, right? Have that smile, that handshake, and then go into the interview. So now for, for the actual interview, rather is going to be some questions, right? Can you tell us about yourself? And I know even nowadays, right? As professionals, you always go into, sometimes maybe you struggled with this, but it's very important that you practice, right? Nobody knows herself better than yourself, right? So please, please practice. Practice. This.

You nobody can tell they'll say anything because it's you prepare that short script, right? Include information that you wanted to employers that is relevant to that job. I include that in there. Talk about your past experience and improvement success. Not only Hey, I've worked in this place, but also I've worked in displaced and developed this, this and that, right. Why was able to come up with this, this and that, or I created where I was a part of, I was the leader of this, this and that, right? So it is very important that you practice all these things about the script, about yourself, right? So whenever you do come out and say is this row side of your tongue where is natural, right? You should be able to just introduce herself to anyone, right? So please, please practice, practice this. The script, right? Make sure you highlight the strength, right, and the abilities, right? More importantly, make sure you highlight the strengths and abilities they relate to the job. All right, so this is just you. Nobody's going to say, hey, I know this is right. This is your sentence, this is your intro, right? Nobody knows that better than yourself, right? But it is very important that you practice, right? Another of the questions is, why do you want to work here? Why do you want to work for this organization? This is some other questions that you may be asked, right? So it's very important that you do your research in for that company, right? And what are their beliefs? What are their goals? What do they stand for, right? Did they have any articles that they publish or have published about this company? Well, there's organizations like what, What do you like that they do. Why do you see yourself working there? Right? So please please make sure you do your research your research, excuse me, about the company that you're applying for. And also you can go farther into, right? And do your research about some of them, please, in that company, right? We have LinkedIn. Nowadays.

Nowadays. Linkedin is very useful. You can search the company, you can see everyone that works there, right? You can connect with these people, you can see what they're posting. This is LinkedIn is a professional platform where people would just post what the other accomplishments and things that they have done it at their job right away at that company. So it is very easy for you to see those things, right? Those are things that you bring up in the interview. So those are going to help you sell yourself a little bit more. Why? Because there, you're there, but you have knowledge behind this company, you have a passion behind this company, right? So those are some of the things to keep in mind when answering that question. Now, this is a tricky question, right? This can be difficult to answer, but this is the best way to answer the questions, right? What Can you give? Can you give me an example? But Tom, you faced a conflict with a coworker or a supervisor? I sometimes it's very, very tricky to answer this question because you don't want to talk bad about the supervisor. You don't want to talk about bad, bad about that person. So how can you go about this? So we use this department that situation task action results, right?

right? What was the situation? Well, you got frustrating forward right now the task, right? I wanted to figure out equal division of labor, right? So we already know the situation, the task, right? What did you want to get out of it, right? The action, what did you do? Right? So we know the situation. You were frustrated. You wanted to figure out the equal division of labor right now, what did you do after that, right. Well, you went and decided to ask your coworker, high. What was the result? He got very embarrassed and apologize. My manager heard about it and thanked me for resolving the issue. You just didn't go out there and just say why didn't like my my co-worker because he did it. He did this, this and that. Right where he bothered me. I didn't like her. Why didn't like him, right? No.

You just simply provided this situation. You provided what you want it to get out of that situation. You provided what you did for that situation, then you provide it the results, right? Isn't very important that you also, when they asked you this question is to provide the results. It's not just about what bothering you, right? It's not It's not just about the disagreement that you had with a supervisor or a co-worker. But were you able to resolve it? Were you able to move on and keep working? Right. That's one of the things that they want to know. And that's a lot of the times, that's what people forget to say. You get so heated in the moment in remembering by, oh, he, he or she got on my last nerves, baba blah, right, so that you just forget about the results. So it's very, very important that you show that you were able to work through a problem, a disagreement, and find a resold to move on and keep working. And making that of that work environment a little bit better. Biases very, very important that you always, always make sure you save the results of that disagreement with that situation. Right? Now, this is also another tricky question that you'll be you'll be asked, Well, what kind of salary are you looking for? Well, it is very important that you do your research not just on the company, but also on the salaries, right? A lot of the times you're able to see the salary. When you apply some jobs, don't have it. But some jobs to do. So it is very important that you do your research. You can do your research on LinkedIn. You could do your research on indeed, you could do research interests. Google, YouTube. You have all these resources that you can g.

use by e. right? If you want to be a teacher, how much the teachers make in Dallas ISD, you'll be able to see the salary range. It might not be in the job posting, but you'd be able to see it, right? If you into nursing, you'll probably be able to see some of those salaries, right? Or the range. So you know what to ask because you don't want to ask below, right? You always want to go a little bit higher so you can negotiate down, right? It's better to get them. You got to know what amount you want, right. And also, it has to be reasonable with the job.

Are you applying for? But what amount do you want? Go a little bit higher so you can negotiate down to that amount if you get more, great, right? But, but if you get back to the amount that you really want it, then there's also a gray never shortened yourself, right? You've gotten to this point because you're capable of doing the job, right? They would not interview that will not offer you that when I give you a salary, if they didn't think you were capable of doing this job, right? So it's very important that you do research. You have that knowledge so you can negotiate the salary, right? But it is also okay to ask, could we discuss the salary later, right? Maybe, maybe you forgot to do your research, so it's okay to say that, well, I don't want to accept the job. Let me argue back to you, right. And then you can negotiate it. Right. Or you can also ask, well, what is the current salary range for this position? And that could be a question that you asked. In your inner butt again, is very important that you research the salary for that position right there you were seeking whether it's teaching nursing engineering, right in higher ed is very important that you do that research. So this is a little bit of practice that you can just do it yourself, which herself for I 0 with a friend. By this simple questions that you can ask. Can you tell me about yourself? Again? We've talked about this earlier. We talked about this earlier. You should be able to just tell me who you are, right? What are your accomplishments? What have you done? Are you part of any honor societies? Are you part of any organizations, right? You should be able to tell me these things, right? With confident, because this is about you, this is you, right? So it's very important that you'd be able to practice that. So we can just comes out naturally. Why do you want to work for these organizations? Again, we went to those questions. Do you research? I do research on on the people that work there, right? Do research on the company, right? And so you have a better understanding of what you're getting yourself into and if you really want to work there, right, because at the end of the day, right, you're gonna be the ones sitting there doing the job, right? Are you going to be happy at the organization? You're gonna be happy with that company. So please do your research before. You don't have to start that job and then say, Hey, you know what, This is not for me. I don't like this. I don't like that. Right. So please, please do your research before so you know how to answer these questions, but also so you know for yourself that you really want to go and work there. And again, the example with the conflict with your supervisor. Again, it is easy to just go back and remember how this person you didn't like this person or this person didn't like you or all that. But at the end of the day is very important that you present the results. What happened after that? Okay. You disagree? Yeah, I didn't like each other, but where you are able to work together, right. How did you come about how did that happen? What did you do to resolve the problem, right? So make sure every single time you have a result. What was the outcome of that disagreement that they fix it. Right. So please please keep that in mind. And then again, the last one that we just talked about, the salary. Right? What salary are you looking for? Do your research for that for that position right there you're seeking. And again, this is something that you can practice with your friends, with your, with your family. You're just with yourself. You have the questions right there, right? Take a screenshot or write them down. You have the questions so you can just look at yourself in the mirror. Can you tell me about yourself? Look in the mirror and ask her about yourself in the mirror a little bit about yourself. And you can practice this as many times as you want, right? And this will allow you to be more fluid, more natural on this. It's not going to sound scripted because at the end of the day, like that's the last yes. The script but you don't want it to sound like scripted, right? You don't want to sound like you're reading from a book or from a piece of paper. This is about truths. They should be second nature light rays should be natural. So again, you can practice with a friend. You can practice by yourself, right, with a family member. But these are some of the most common interview questions that you get asked. And then again, virtual interview, right? Virtual interview.

There is, nowadays you do have those virtual interviews either before an in-person interview or the virtual interview is what, what they're going to take into consideration, right? So there's only going to be the virtual interview and after that, they won't be, they won't see you in person so that they start. And if you get a remote job or your platform remote job, they probably won't see you. I don't know, ever write in person. So it is very, very important that you treat that virtual interview just like an in-person interview. There'll be punctual, you don't have to travel. But make sure your Wi-Fi is working, make sure the alignments work and make sure your sound is working, right. There's there's a lot of things that you can do that yeah. You're not traveling, but there's a lot of things that that can play that role, that they can still make you be late, right? So make sure your background is clean. Make sure all this. There's a lot of things to take into consideration your camera, right? So please, please treat a virtual interview the way you treat an in-person interview, Right? And again, the appropriate dress, right, is the same thing, right? Same thing.

Same thing. You have the business formal. You have the business. The business, you have the business casual and you have the smart casual is the same thing. The only thing difference are you sitting behind a computer. So please make sure you dress accordingly. You dressed in the same like it'll be a person in in-person interview. And your speaking ability. I tried to, again, is a little bit harder when you present online, right then when you present in person because there's not that much of interactions. All right, so please practice, right again, this is why it's very important to practice about yourself because you can get lost sometimes I forget. The next thing you know, you're like, Oh, I should have said this. This was important. I should just set it right. So please please practice. By and again, I may be polite with the conversations, right? Listen, speak. No, Don't try to interrupt the person who's asking you a question, right? Because there's an interview, they won't interrupt you Whenever you are answering the question, right? Again, the poster to not just sit back on the chair or hangout like this and answer their questions. Sound like you care about this job, right? Sounds like show the passion that you have just like you would. Sometimes I like to talk with my hands. Right. So it's a fancy like this does not mean it's a little bit uncomfortable, right? And I'm passionate about the work that I do, right? So I'm into it. And you'll be able to translate that through, through screen. There'll be able to see that. So please, please make sure you're not just relaxed bag lakes of rye or are just chilling, right? Treat this interview like you treat the virtual interview like it is a in-person interview. Actually, at the end of the day, you want that job. You want that job. There's an in-person interview or virtual, but you want that job, so treat it the same. And so now you get sorry, you get past the interview right now it's true that Another done asking you questions. Now it's your turn to ask the questions, right? And this is another thing that is very important that you ask questions, come up with questions, right? And that's where it goes back to doing your research. You can ask questions about a program that they did or in the event that they had, right? So do your research and it will allow you to have these questions. But then again, here are some of the questions that, that you can use, right? What do you like best about your job? That is a simple question that they should be able to answer, right? And if they can't, then that might be a red flag. That might be might not be a job for you. So please write this are questions that you need to know because at the end of the day, right? Finding a job was to write to a two-person thing, right? And you both have to connect, you both have to agree for some things, right? So it's very important that you know, you also get to know the person you're gonna be working for. You already told them all about yourself. So now it's their turn. Now you gotta get to know them, right? And so you can ask, what do you like best about your job? What are the type of characteristics that you're looking in a cat for candidate, right? What are the, what is the career path for someone in Detroit, miami going to be able to allow to move up and get a promotion or they even promotions available by Is there anyone higher than me that I can learn from and maybe get to their rule. What is the company's culture? Because again, you're going to be the one working there. It's very important that you ask these questions. And then at the end, this is always a good question to ask. What are the next steps in hiring process? Do you need to do anything else? Right?

Right? So again, these are some of the questions that, that you can ask. But the more research you do on that company or the people that work there, the more questions you can come up with that can be tailored to that company and that job posting, right? So please do your research. And therefore after the interview, right. So this is going to be justice as the note that you said that you can send by 3% to 48 h. So maybe a day or two after you're done with the interview, right? And it's just a simple way to show that you are thankful about the opportunity of them. Would you rethink for them considering you for that role, right? And you are well suited for this position. And you just again, let them know that you still interested, right? And this is just a simple e-mail that you can draft, right? Again, you can take a picture of this. But then again, you can also just reach out and say, Hey, thank you. Bye, thank you for this opportunity. I look forward to hearing from you soon, right. And that's it. You can go a little bit into detail. You could keep a simple, right? But this just shows that you still interested. This shows, right? And not a lot of people do this. So again, this is about showing, showing off, right? What can you do? The others came I just shows that you're polite term for what do you get the job or not, right? But again, it reminds you of who you are, right? It goes back to that first impression, right? It's just another little reminder like, Hey, I'm here, right? I know you interview me two days ago, but I'm here, I'm interested because they probably going to interview more people, buy and depending on how many interviews they do, they might forget some candidates, right? So you sending that e-mail because puts you back up there, right. And then oh, this person did say this, right? So it's just a simple thing that can get you that job, right? And again, it doesn't have to be disliked, just be thank you for meeting with me earlier today. I look forward to hearing from you soon, And that's it. Something simple. So that is three to 48 h after the interview. Sorry.

Again, here's the example. If you want to write it down or if you want it. Well, in this case, take a screenshot right there you can use and just make sure you switch right precision name to the actual role, area or project types. And again, you'll be able to tailor this depending on the job posting, right? You might be able to use the whole thing. You might be, you might be able to tailor, you might have to delete some things, right? But this is just a general example that you can use. Again, this is the follow, right? So when is the appropriate time to do a follow-up? Right.

So you reached out already, you did. The other email you said thank you. Write two days, maybe you give it a week or two. And if you don't hear anything, then you can always follow up, right. A lot of the times people are pretty, pretty quick about it, right? Let you know that you were selected or not. But in some cases they're not there. We'll take that to three, maybe even a month. Right. So this follow-up still shows that you are interested. It still shows that you are excited about this role, but it shows that you want updates to your willing. I like, I need to know that I give the job that I not, right. Because you might be applying to two or three rows and you have job offers already, right? So you need to take this job into consideration to see where you wanna go. So it is very important that you do follow up if you don't hear from them. But we're going to skip that since we were virtually right. But if this is an in-person event, you can always do this practice, right? And you can go back to the questions that we asked, that the practice questions, right? Or you can interviewers so you can come up with your own questions, right, for you and your partner. But again, this is just a little bit more practice that you can do. And again, you can, you can use a frame, you can use your family or you could just do it on your own. Try and use look at the mirror, but not even a mirror. You could just do it on your own. But you have the questions. You can just practice on being more fluid about it, being more natural and your answers. And you can do that on your own too. And again, this is one of the last things, right? Interviews the learning experience, right? Sometimes you will get the job done since you won't. So it is always important that your brief about it, right. If you didn't get the job, a higher super supervisor, the hiring manager, ryan let them know like, Hey, I want to get better. Why did I not get the job? Isn't my qualifications is in my interview skills. Right? Get that feedback. It is okay to get that feedback, right, because the next job, the next job interview you have, you're gonna do way better if you have that feedback. Okay? So please don't be scared to ask for that feedback, right? And even if you do get the job, ask for the feedback. I see with your hiring manager manager on your first day, your first week or whatever, I asked him, hey, why did I get the job? Right? What did I do good. Is there anything that you think I should practice? Is there anything that I could have done better, right? Keep that feedback whether you get the job or you don't, right? It's very important to know what areas you can grow from. Okay? So please, please be brave, don't be scared. Again, even if you do get the job. I asked for that feedback. And if you are looking for jobs here at Dallas College and not even with Dallas College, but also outside. Here are some of the people you can reach out to. There are strictly career specialist. I'm a career and transfer. So I can also help you. But these are, these people are strictly career, right? So there's two acinar value, one at East Central and North Lake and Richland. Okay. So please please, there is a new person I'm in Brookhaven is just not on here. His name is Angel. Okay. But he is at Brookhaven. He's just not on the chart. So please reach out to these people, reach out to me if you're interested. And again, we also do mock interviews. We can help you do the in-person interview. We can help you do the virtual interview, right? We can help you find the Clothing Closet, right? So please again, use your resources. These are free resources. We're here for you, we're here to help you. So please come and see us. Again. This is our job. So please come, conceals. And then if you are looking for a job, handshake is the best way to find a job.

For Dallas College. There is in-person on-campus jobs as well, off-campus part-time internships, full-time jobs, right? But the key thing is that you sign up with your Dallas College email. Why is that? Is because Dallas College has approved employers. There are only looking for Dallas College students. So if you sign in with your Dallas College email, then you'll be able to get those jobs, right. You're more filter in the system instead of signing up for a handshake and finding jobs that everyone else is applying for. These employers are approved by Dallas College and they're looking for Dallas College students. So please sign in using your student e-mail as well. If you are looking for an on-campus job, right, you'll be able to find it with your Dallas College email once you're signed in with your Dallas College email. Okay. So please please do it with your with your Dallas College email so you can get those jobs are just strictly for Dallas College students. I don't know if you have hopefully you get higher IU coming in little snow. But if there's any questions, I think there were some people that came in a little bit late, So there's any questions I can answer them. If not.

If you don't have any questions right now or you can sign in so we can keep in contact with you. So make sure you scan the QR code. But also, here is our email, right? If you don't have any questions right now, but you might come up with some questions. Email us at career and transfer at Dallas College, right? Don't forget the end his career and transfer at Dallas College. And if you have questions about who is at ECO, who is at Richland? Well Centro by you, you email that email and we'll be able to help you find the person you looking for final Clothing Closet here I connected with the Korean transfer specialist at your campus. And again, we can also meet with you virtually. Okay, so those are some of the resources, the resources that you have. So please, please make sure that you are using those resources. There are free to use them. Okay.

Okay. And I think that's that's all I have for today. Right?

Right? Francisco, I want to thank you for the informative, engaging presentation. Francisco is now saying Career Specialist here at Dallas College, and I refer them to a lot of my students. I want to thank you for attending the dress for success workshop here hosted by hand in hand Support Program at Dallas College. We hope that you have learned a lot about proper grooming and attire practices to consider when interviewing for careers and how to make a remarkable first and last impression. There will be a short survey at the end of the presentation and we ask that you complete it so that hand in hand can improve our processes. Our next workshops are housing assistance, April 12th, today 23, and it will be on Microsoft Teams. And there also be a budgeting assistant program workshop on April 26, 2023. Thank you for your attendance and thank you for Irving ISD that did come in at Sundance. We appreciate you as community partners. Thank you so much. Take care.

Snack and Learn: Resume Writing

The Career and Transfer Center gives tips and best practices for writing your resume. The online systems Greenlight and Handhake are also reviewed.

This is Dr. Victoria Mc Williams, Senior Manager for the hand-in-hand program here at Dallas College. Today we're going to have a very wonderful presentation by our career and transfer services in making sure that your resume is up-to-date. I know that spring break is just around the corner and you might be wanting to go ahead and start doing some interviews while you're not in school. So please go ahead and join us today with Mr. today with Mr. Silver Shaw. We're just right in his presentation on resume writing. Alrighty. So we will get this pulled up here, full screen for you guys. So again, my name is Derek Soper and I am one of the career and transfer skills development specialists here with Dallas College. And so we'll dive in to resume writing and we're all so I'm going to put just a little bit of handshake and green light too, because other two systems that we encourage you to use once you have your resume up-to-date and ready to go. We will dive right in here. Just a little bit about what the career transverse skills development office is. We are specialists introduced and experts who connect students with resources and develop skills required to transfer to a four-year university or into the workforce. And then we offer workshops like this that we're doing here on line, but also in person as well. And we cover a wide range of topics including resume building, career exploration, transfer, admissions, scholarships, and multiple other marketable skill presentations. So if you are shooting more events after this one, all of our career transfer of it, so are all the Dallas College website and that link right there is the quickest way to find our events on our career and transfer page through Dallas College. And so we'll start off with what do you know about a resume? So the purpose and the sections in content can can a body and let me see if I can get the speaker here, okay?

Okay. Perfect. So it looks like I'm off. People ought be off. So do you know what the purpose or sections and resume include? Anybody tell me?

Anybody tell me? If not, that's okay. Okay. We'll go on and we'll get to that. Let's get started for it. So what do we need to start with verse that's beprepared, right? So what do we need to know? You need to know that what you want to accomplish. And with an interview that's two or were they I'm sorry, with a resume that's to obtain an interview, right? Or university admission or scholarship. It's not to actually get you the job, but to get you the interview. The next thing that we need to know is read. So read job descriptions thoroughly, and we'll dive into that a little bit more. But basically we need to read through those job descriptions because updating your resume is going to change with every job description that you are looking at and the job that you're actually applying for, right? Because we're going to want to take those descriptions and put those keywords into our resume. The next part will be assessed. And so that'll be to reform honest assessments of our skills, abilities, knowledge, and accomplishments. So you're going to learn new skills and gain new abilities as you grow as a professional, as a student. In your current job that you might be and you're going to learn new things, right? And so we'll need to perform those audits assessments on ourselves, be able to put those new skills that we have or the abilities that we know into our resumes to update them. And then the last part there is being prepared. Having all the materials needed and advance those job descriptions, your past job information, your time period where you're where you went to school, your list of soft skills or technical skills, you're going to need all of those things to be prepared to put into your resume and to update it or just start a new one. So with the resume, the small things definitely matter a lot. In almost 98 per cent, probably 99% of every job that you are going to apply for with your resume, it's gonna go through some sort of automated system, right? And that's how companies vet resumes very quickly. On average, you're going to have for one job posting, you're going to have upwards of 200 applications or 200 resumes that have applied for that single job. And so companies have to get through those things, those resumes very quickly. And so the small things matter. In that sense because they if they're not correct than you, your shot is going to be automatically knocked out by these automated systems. So what are the things that we use? We're going to use accessible thoughts. So Times, New Roman, Arial, those very accessible fonts that we're all used to. Nothing crazy, right? The next thing that we're gonna be using is either a font size of 11 or 12. And then we're also going to use bold type headers. So anytime you're putting a past job in there, you're going to want to bolt that your education, you're going to want to bold the title of that. But all the way the titles all weigh things that need to be bolded, not the other content that's underneath that, that you'll feel it, the things that will avoid its underlying texts and unless it's a URL. So in subcases and you're in your main heading when you'll have your name and your contact information, you might want to include something like your URL for your LinkedIn page. And we'll go over that a little bit more. But that would be a time when you could underline something, right? Because that's a URL. But any other time we try to avoid underlining texts. And then we also recommend that you use either Word or Google Doc instead of a template. What's the formatting and things are not always the best. And so we recommend using Word or Google Docs. More about small things. Being intentional with information placement and flow. So making sure that in your resume that it makes sense as well. We mean by this, I'm not having, you know, that you had worked a job or e.g. that you worked a job in 2010 as your first thing and then you worked a job in 2011. Your next your next part in your resume. And then from there you jumped all the way to light. We'll just say 1990. Okay. E.g. you want to make sure that it flows and that it makes sense to the reader when they get it. Second, using Grammarly and spellcheck is always a very important feature to use when you're going and using the Google Docs or you're using Word. Those features are there to essentially be a second pair of eyes for you, right? I would even go a step further is after you do use those features that you have, somebody else look at your resume. Like someone who, like myself who works at Dallas College or even just a colleague, right? Just to get another pair of eyes on it and say, Does this make sense? Then we'll go into the link there and the length of a resume should match your experience, right? So some people will have a really a lot of experience and some people are not going to. So that's where we say typically it goes one to two pages. But if you have a lot of experience that might go into a third page and we'll talk about some other things that are added in there that can make it a resume a little late. But typically you'll want to stay within that wanted to range. Then a change that happened and it has been around for a minute, is that references don't need to be on your resume anymore. Most companies, nowadays, we'll have it in there when you're filling out the questionnaire for their company that you'll include your references for them or they'll ask you to include any other documents. And then that any other documents page that's where you would need to have a reference page or reference document to be able to put in instead of having them on your actual resume. So usually we do a group activity in person, but we'll do it here. And you're gonna look at two resumes and you'll basically see that this is the job description for, for what these two resumes that you're going to see is for a front desk associate. And so when you read through this, you'll see that it's a minimum of two years experience. Their candidate must consider customer service high on their priority list and must be able to multitask and answer busy phones, check-in and check-out patients schedule appointments, ensure eligibility and ensuring referring. Provider referrals are handled effectively. You must be willing to work as a team player handles scanning and medical records, requests and other task assigned. So that would be the job description that you would be writing your resume offer. And so at this point, we will look at these and say which one of these would get a interview. And if you look and look at what's in these, then you'll see that Mr.

kit on the left would be the one that would most likely get the interview in this situation. He has the receptionist in his work history, and he also has the skills to prioritize managing multiple tasks. And it's skilled and problem-solving and customer service. So that's really what that job description was saying. He has a lot of those abilities and experiences and his resume. Also, if you'll notice, like we talked about the bold headings and things like that. He has those things at his resume versus Luther over here on the right. His resume is not horrible, but he doesn't have those minute little details that we were talking about that matter. The first of this presentation, here's some more additional small things that we're going to talk about, right? Because it over the resume, It's all about the small things. You will go into action verbs. So we want to use present tense for current job at past tense for past jobs. So that's a really important thing to remember as your jobs are going to or your work history, he's got to continue to change. And so if you have a resume already and you had a job that you are working and then you got a new job and you update it. But you didn't change those wordings to this as current or what have you. That's where you'll need to make sure that all your action verbs are in the right tense. And with a little bit of formatting, we want to make sure that all of our margins are 1 " on all sides of the document that we're consistent. So our spacing or paragraph alignments are consistent. Sometimes I know when we're going through Word documents or Google Docs that sometimes our spacing can get off a little bit and we might not notice it. And so it's important to, at the end, my rule of thumb is once you get all of your information in there, then do a onetime full-page format. So that way it fixes everything at one time, but you can make sure that it is definitely all consistent. And then we want to make sure, like we talked about before, that airflow and readability is present. So let's break down or resume a little bit more here. So we start with our header. That's the thing at the very top. So that's your information, right? Then we move into work experience, education, and other sections that you can consider in your resume when writing what are updating. So examples of this are volunteering organizations you've been a part of, and then your soft skills and your technical skills. And so this is a resume workshop. I mean a resume workshop or resume worksheet head. So I will make sure that you guys have access to these. This is just something that is where you can write down your information in there and then that helps you when you're writing. So you have it in front of you, you've thought about it and you know what, you want to put it, right? And so these worksheets are really great when, when first writing your resume or even updating them. And so the first part of our resume as a header, this is usually your name, and your name is usually larger and stands out not over the top right, like we talked about before. But if all of your other content is at that 12 or 11 font, your name could be like get a 60. Just to make it stand out a little bit more. And that is prominent on your resume. I know whose resume they're looking at. Your phone number is always important as well. A professional email address. And you see we have professional bolded there. And we say that because we don't want we have seen and maybe you have as well. But we have seen when emails are a crazy out there name that we might have made back in middle school, what we thought we were cool. And so we put this crazy name on there, right? For our e-mail address. We want to make sure that if that's the case for you, that you change that or you make a new email that's just professional, usually with your name in there, maybe your birthday or something to that effect, but keeping it very simple, professional. And then of course, like I talked about earlier in your head, or you can include your LinkedIn URL if you have one of those. And if you feel comfortable enough letting the company that you're applying for, being able to look at your LinkedIn or fine too there. And you'll notice something that has that is not in here. Is your address your home address? We used to put those in resumes as far as where you lived, but now that is not needed anymore. It's kind of a thing that changed a few years ago that we do not put our home addresses in there now. And so that's something that you would want to avoid as well. So if you look at these emails here, like I was talking about, you can say a few that are out there. The Star Wars number one fan, all about the money. Those are emails that we would not want to use. But then the Mac with the numbers or the Marcus. Garvey there is, are the two that are born acceptable, but definitely the Markus, the.gov it out@outlook.com is the one that we would say is the right one to go with because it's just his name at the email that he uses. So you know exactly who it is. It's not unprofessional at all. It's just as name. So those are just some ideas of if you have some, an email like that, the star was number one fan, you might want to change that to something more like the Marcus went down at the bottom. Let's move into professional experience. So the key on your experience or your work history as you want to keep it relevant. So usually the last five to 15 years of your work history is what we would say is appropriate for a resume. When do you get past those 15 years? You haven't done that job and forever, not that you didn't have skills that you'll learn something in there. But it might not apply to where you're applying to now. And you can include those skills and your skill section, you don't need to put your experience down there after 15 years. The contents of what you're listing a work history or work experience is you always want to have the company name, the job title, the dates of employment, month and year. The days the actual day of when you started is not necessary. Just month and year is fine. If you're still currently employed, then instead of going month to year slash, month to year, you would do month to year of what you started and then slash present that you're still there. Then you'll want to include three to five bullet points describing your duties and accomplishments. And that's, that's a key piece of that I want to make sure you understand is duties are one thing and accomplishments or another. Duties are the actual things that are on that job description when you looked at it and you got hired that they said doing. And then as a compliment, accomplishments are things like I was the lead for a for a I'll just say e.g. for a transfer, fair. I was the lead for that. That's an accomplishment. You are the lead if something or I was the committee chair for whatever you whatever we may have. Those are accomplishments, right? Those are things outside your duties that you accomplished while you were in that role. The last there is customized experience with keywords and transferable skills. So whatever your listing those bullet points out, you want to try to use words would transfer into this new job that you are looking for. Because again, when we talk about and we'll talk about this in a minute. But when we go through that automated system, it's going to look for those keywords. And the more you have in there, the more it's like, Oh, this person is a perfect match for what we're hiring, for what we're looking for. So always remember, use those keywords and transferable skills, leadership skills, customer service, those types of skills, technical skills, Microsoft Office, those type of things. Then we move into our education section. And the important thing with this one is you want to have your highest irrelevant degrees in descending order. So you have a master's degree. You want to put that master's first followed by your bachelor's, and then if you haven't associates put that under there, and then so on, so forth with your high school graduation, your GED. You want to name the institution. You want the location, your graduation date or expected graduation date. If you're going through your resume and you're still in school, bool type e.g. since most of us, a master's degree or a doctoral degree is something that we are pursuing normally while we're working, are most top of our working, then you would have an expected graduation date most likely versus that you already graduated. That's not always the case. But again, if you've already graduated and obviously you'll put that graduation date in there. And again, it's just a month and year. You'll want to then put the degree type. Any licenses, licensures, or certificates that you might have committed, added section as needed, right? If you haven't, if you got a GPA of 3.0 or higher, you'll want to put that GPO, RTP, GPA in their goodness gracious. It's always it's a Tuesday. It's not a Monday. I shouldn't be talking like that. But you'll want to have that GPA in there. If you've made a 3.0 or higher, if you did not worry, It's okay. Leave it off. It's not a big deal. But that's daylight time. You put that in and then you put your program of study or what some people would call a major in there as well so they know what's your degree was in. And so what you will get these two down here at the bottom. The one that is more correct. Is the Dallas College wanted Dallas. He's guys the city-state and it was in its program of study, which was Associate of Arts. His major was accounting. He has some relevant coursework that would apply to that job description that we've looked at earlier, right? So Accounting Principles of managerial accounting. He's got some relevant coursework in there. He's got the he was a member of Phi Theta Kappa is GPAs on there and his expected graduation date of June 2024. All the way down there below. Right. It doesn't have all that information that we just talked about above. It's got some stuff in there, but it's very vague. And so that one would not be okay to use.

Less. You always go later that that will not be there. I wouldn't use. So that's what that's what education would look like on your resume. So additional sections as needed. This is where we go into our skills section. Are our honors or awards are volunteer work or organizations, that type of thing. These are those sections. The most important one that I was saying, the additional sections is your skills. You want to make sure that you have the skills that you know on your resume. Because this is usually the deciding factor with you versus another cat. That is how your skills match better to the job description versus somebody else. At the end of the day, a company is looking for somebody that they can bring in. I had tried very much and just end bit and then be able to do their job efficiently. But so there's two different types of skill sections. There's technical skills and their soft skills. Your technical skills are gonna be anything from like software coding. You are in the auto industry. The auto industry are you, that's what you're trying to pursue. All of those types of skills that you learned, mechanical skills. That's where you're gonna go with technical and you might not be pursuing that. But if you have a skill like that, mechanical wise, put that in there because that's something that sets you apart. And then you go. The other section is your soft skills, such your problem-solving, all those like leadership type skills that we think of, time management, customer service. Those type of things are the ones that you put in your soft skills section. And then you'll want to make sure that because this one doesn't need to be overly long, That's some people, they have a lot of skills, right? And that's a great thing. But we wanna make sure that it's not over the top and that this takes up a half a page of your resume is your skill section. So that's why we say highlight those skills needed for this job. So again, in that job description, what are they looking for? In taking those words and putting that into your skill section? For that skill that you probably possess, short phrases or one word descriptor. Descriptors are all we need in the SEO section. And any specialized knowledge and procedure in your field. That is your skill section. Other sections that you might want to include, our projects you've helped build. Any honors or awards, internships, volunteer work, organizations or associations that you've had a leadership position in, or if you studied abroad. For me personally, the only two areas that I have in this additional sections that I have on my resume is honors and awards and organizations. Those two things are what I have. You might have something different, but that's why we have multiple here because everybody is different and these type of additional sections. So you pick and choose which ones you want to put in your resume or which ones you have for that section. So here's some, just some more Resume examples, right? Both of these are different and they're not wrong. None of them are wrong per se, but they're just different layouts, right? You'll see the one on the left that has that says blank resume at the top. It has where it started with their education, then it goes into their work experience, then it goes into their skills, and then those other sections. So they have awards and activities that they were a part of, that. They laid it out like that. Whereas the one on the right, they started off with their objective at the top, that little bar with paragraph. Then they put their skills in next, and then went into their professional experience, their certification in their education. So both of these are right there, just laid out differently. And what makes as long as it flows and it's readable. It doesn't matter which way you lay it out as long as it's readable and it makes sense to the person looking at it. Okay. So two different types of resumes, they're both doing the same thing, just laid out a little bit different. So let's talk about that ATS software that I was talking about. So the applicant tracking system is software is often used by companies to review job applications, like I was mentioning earlier. These systems analyze job postings to identify job requirement key words, then use those exact terms and your resume. So I've been talking about. This is all the system is doing, is it's looking at those job requirements, those things that you have to have. And it's saying, Okay, does this resume happen? If it does, it goes on if it doesn't get kicked out. And so that's why we want to make sure that drive this point home in every resume presentation that I do is you have to make sure that you have the keywords from that job description in your resume. The other thing that you'll want to avoid because of this ATS software is avoid graphics, logos, charts, tables and columns. It doesn't like those. It doesn't know what they are. And so this will disrupt the software's ability to read the text. And so we avoid all of those things there.

All the time. You would put those things in there is if excuse me, is if you were like a interior designer, you were applying for somewhere that uses those type of things on a daily basis, then there are resumes out there where you would include those in there. But for most of us, we need to avoid those things. Run through the tips provided in the resume guidance. So you'll see those here at the end. There's some references. And so you'll want to run through those tips provided in that resume jacket. It tells you some more things to avoid and what to happen there in regards to this ATS software. And if you need more information or want to know more about that ATS software, the applicant tracking system slash resume guide career was up. That link is there. And you can click on that and it'll say you can put your resume in there. And I'll say this would this would be good to pass through an applicant tracking system or it would not be. So we provide that for you there too. Here are some resources on resume building, Microsoft Word without templates. We talked about that it's highly recommended. I'll say e.g. I know for a lot of Ms. Bronco, if we're just writing a new resume, that's the easiest way to write what it is to you. The tip what? Well, when I was writing one of my first one, I asked somebody else that I'd do that already had one. So somebody who was one of my mentors said, Hey, can I use your layout and then put my own stuff in there? So that's a way for you to have a typo, but you don't have to get odd word, right? And then there's some other references or resources, their resumes, examples by industries. There's tons of them out there. So you can look on that website there. There are some sample resume walkthroughs. And then again, that applicant tracking system, one guy is on there. And then resume genius is a great tool that we, that we promote from career and transfer. That is something where you can go and put your information in and it's going to help you in writing a resume. So that's a great website to use his resume genius.com. So now I'm gonna jump into just a little bit of plugging handshake agreement. Because we like take, like I said, we like to include this into our presentation. But before I do that, is there any questions on their resume writing portion of the presentation that I went over? I know it's a lot of information, so sometimes there can be some questions. Okay. I'm, I take silence is golden, so we'll keep going on the career plot for the Dallas College uses. So after you get that resume made or after you update that resume, we use Handshake and green light. Green light is more for our transfer peaks in the room. But handshake is one that we use where you can apply for jobs directly through that platform. It also is an opportunity for you to look at internships and other areas like that. So we'll play this short little video here. It's gonna describe what Tange snake is. That's a little bit there. What handshake is, as you can see, a lot of those students were talking about that it helped divided internship, helped them find a job. But the biggest thing was that this is a system that is here for you no matter if you're a current student or after once you're on the platform, you can continue to use this and apply for jobs throughout your entire career if you want, because it's always available there When you have that a cow. So some benefits of handshake is, you're the first to note. We as current transfer services will use Handshake to invite you to campus or online events. So our career fairs and things like that, we have those on Handshake. So you're always the first to know when you're on there. You also get to use it to apply for work-study jobs, for internships, for part-time jobs, for full-time jobs. All of that is in the Handshake portal or the handshake application. So again, lots of different opportunities. If you're a person who's just looking for a part-time job right now, or you want to test your resume out. This is the spot that you can do that. And you get ahead of everyone else. Employers that are using Handshake are looking for students who have been at Dallas College and who have graduated from here. That's another really great feature, is every employer that has got into our Handshake portal is saying, yes, we want to hire a Dallas College students. So you have a leg up on others that might just be applying for the position that you're looking at. Then last, what the benefits is being prepared. Universities also use Handshake. You can use the same account when you transfer to university. So like I said, these things continue to be a benefit for you even just after you first sign up for. And so we'll go through this real quickly. But the easiest way to get your cat is to go to Dallas College edu slash Handshake. You log in with your student credentials and then you'll have your handshake kept. If you want to. You can take your phone out there and you can scan that QR code and it'll take you directly to the handshake account or to set up your account. So that's a great way to do it real quick and easy and get your cat activated. Then you want to make sure you complete your profile. So setting up your interests, that's going to really be a key factor in this because that's going to then get those jobs out there that you're interested in based off of what you put it in your section. That is a very important piece to remember, is to complete your profile and definitely your intersection. Again, like we talked about here, like you saw in the video, that there's different all different types of jobs in there. But there's also internships and the three things that are most important to your job type. They're looking for your location and their role. And so after that, then you start searching and you can start applying. And so are we still good on time? Okay, Perfect.

So I will play this real quick to. This is green light. And so this is another system we use. So as you saw there and that's short little clip, the video, that green light is more than just a transcript service, right? That's the main thing that we use it for. But it also helps in searching and applying for jobs. And it helps you in researching universities and scholarships. So it does multiple things that are more than just a transcript service for you to get those to your universities. So this is again, just another app that you can use when looking for jobs and applying. Once you have that your resume ready and are prepared to go and apply for jobs. So how to activate that? A cap is logging into the economic menu and going and setting up your green light enrollment code under my personal information. Copy that clipboard.

Access. The green light or the link to green light at the bottom of the page, which will take you directly to the registration page. Paste that enrollment code, type your date of birth, your last name, and that very simple information. And then hit validate and then follow the remaining prompts to finish setting up your profile. It's a really user-friendly modality, an application. So you should not have any problems in getting that set up for yourself. And then after you are in there, then you can start a search and apply for jobs. So in the employment tab, you can browse through all the jobs. You've been matched to, see the details of any job posting. It's updated pretty frequently. So just like can't shake good. It's updated very frequently. So you should see that most up-to-date postings, you can set your preference to allow employers to connect with you or to not. So if you're not really looking for a job at the moment, then you can set it where they don't want to be contacted right now. But other than that, if you want to be, then definitely set that preference. And then to apply for a job, you click on the Apply button. And this little like documents you would like to share with the employer. And then after that, you said that it sends it to the employer and then they can get in contact with you. The other thing that you'll want to make sure you do is all that resume that we just talked about is you'll want to upload that right? So you'll go to your my credentials on the top navigation bar, and under existing credentials, the selection, the option of self uploaded documents. And then you'll upload PDF documents and you can select the type of document you're uploading, e.g. your resume, your cover letter, your reference page, all of those type of good things. You'll put the ball into your, into your credentials section. We've talked about a lot, so let's review really quick. The purpose of a resume is to get air view. Not the actual job, is to get you in the door for them, for you to say, Hey, look at me, you need to give me a shot. You need to interview me, not that hanging you to give me a job.

Interview me. Resumes should be customized with keywords you find in the job descriptions. To get past that ATS software. The small things matter. So those margins, those headings, those underlying things. The all the, all the formatting stuff, small things matter. In Handshake ingredient that can be used for job searches once you get that resume completed. And activating your cat with handshaking green light gets you to access to a bits. Access to employers are looking for Dallas College students. And you're ahead of the game of everyone else. And I'll mention one more thing about those events while we're on that is these platforms have events that are not only here put on through Dallas College, but they have events that are within the whole DFW area or even the state of Texas and the country. So those events are all some of them are virtual, some of them are in-person. But there are events across the United States that are in this handshake and Greenlight platform. So if you're a person who is looking for a job while it's ending Dallas College, we can provide one one-to-one assistance through our office. And even if you write a resume after today or you update it and you want somebody to look at it. That's what we're here to do. We can provide that one-on-one assistance for you in a meeting and there are dedicated career staff available to help you. We are at all seven campus locations across the Dallas College District. So that's always something to keep in mind. Then we also have some specialized what we call jail D staff. And these people within the Career Transfer Office, Our here to just place people in jobs. That's all there. That's all their job is to do is to help you get placed in a job outside of Dallas College. And they don't do anything with transfered. So these are their contact information than we actually have one now at Mountain View as well. And so awesome at campuses have a jail staff member. And so that's another person that you can come talk to as well. And they offer appointments as well as they navigate. And with that, this is our sign-in page, so I don't know if anybody needs to psi then that's on this call. But if you would scan that QR code, it takes it aside. And then there's a short survey about how this presentation was for you guys. And other than that, this is our this is our Career Transfer email box. So if you do have questions, that is how you can get in contact with us the quickest, as well as our r2 website pages there that you can look at. And then of course, your career transfer office at your home campus or where are you attend classes is always open and available to you 8-7 every day except Friday, we're always there eight to five. So with that, I will say thank you. Back to Ms. Victoria.

Alright. Well, thank you everyone for attending this session today. I know that you had a great presentation and learn valuable information for this Mac and learn, I hope that you definitely got some benefit out of it. I know that everything here is going well, so thank you again, Derek Kirk homing to talk to our students and you guys have a great day. Bye-bye. Recording.