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Lanita Sledge, Guided Pathways Advisor

Like many Eastfield students, Lanita succumbed to peer and family pressure when choosing her major. After a semester of classes she disliked, she sought out mentors and switched her path.

Now she guides our students as they choose educational pathways.

"During my second semester in college, I realized that I wanted to be a math teacher. I had to take one developmental math course before I was able to take college-level math. When I told people what I wanted to do as a career, some would say, 'You can't be a math teacher if you have to take developmental courses.' In class, I tried my best. I completed all of the homework and studied almost every day. I barely passed with a C. I then went on to take college algebra and earned an A.

"Never listen to what people say you can and can't do. Always set a goal and envision yourself doing it. Bee More means to reflect on what you've done and imagine the endless possibilities that you can do next."


Sandi Cragg, Academic Success Coach

Like many Eastfield students, Sandi worked while in college. She juggled two jobs and commuted to Northeastern State University. For 39 years, she was a middle school and high school teacher.

Now she helps our students find career paths that they love.

"My father died when I was 15, so it was just me and my mom. I had to work two jobs and stay at home to commute to be able to complete my education. I might have missed out on the campus life, however I developed a great work ethic and realized early on that hard work and determination will prevail.

"I want to help students succeed. So after a teaching career, this part time position to do just that resonated with me. Bee More means just that: more of everything. Do what it takes. Focus on student success."