Success Coach Resources


College can be tough. Add money, family, or work issues and it can really add up.
We understand.

The Dallas College Success Coaches are here to help you with one-on-one assistance, as well as providing you with guides and resources to help navigate your Dallas County Promise journey.

For the Student

Are you the parent or guardian of a college student? See resources just for parents and guardians.



For Parents and Guardians

How Parents Can Help Their Student Transition Into College

The transition from high school into college can be challenging, but there are many ways parents can help. Read some ideas for parents to show their support.

Timeline for Parents

Going to college means your son or daughter (your new student!) is taking on adult responsibilities. Your role as a parent changes, but your student still needs you. The most important thing you can provide is being there when they need you.

Parents' Frequently Asked Questions

Read answers to questions like: "How can I help my son or daughter succeed in college?" or "How do I know my son or daughter is taking the right classes?"

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