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President Lisa Theriot called the meeting to order at 11:40 a.m.
The minutes from the Holiday Luncheon & Business Meeting were supplied to each attendee. There was a motion to approve the minutes and the motion was seconded. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer Diane Graifemberg reviewed the Treasurer's Report which was also approved.
Norm Howden discussed a survey that he recently sent to members regarding possible events and asked that everyone please respond to suggestions and provide additional ideas.
The 2024-25 Directory will be available in PDF format online soon. A printed copy of the Directory will be mailed to those current members who have requested a printed newsletter. Other Members who wish to have a printed copy will be mailed one at the cost of $3.40 (postage cost). Contact Linda Savage to request a printed copy.
The El Centro Culinary staff were recognized for the excellent lunch and service provided.
Event Coordinators discussed upcoming activities.
Door prizes were distributed by Lisa and Rosie Steffen.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
Submitted by Diane Graifemberg, Treasurer