Maggiano’s Holiday Luncheon and Business Meeting December 10, 2024

​​The luncheon and business meeting were called to order by the Retiree Association President Lisa Theriot at 1:00 p.m.


Lisa Theriot, President of the Retiree Association welcomed the members to the luncheon and business meeting.


Attendees asked to review a copy of minutes from the Spring meeting; Gus Katsigris moved to approve; seconded and approved.

Treasurer's Report

Diane Graifemberg, Treasurer, reviewed the Treasurer's report (a copy for each attendee was provided at the table). Diane pointed out expenses for printing and postage in 2024 which was the biggest expense we have. We will work more toward providing electronic newsletters and the retiree directory rather than printing. Robert Young made a motion to approve to use more technical deliver, Gus Katsigris seconded the approval of the report. Approved.

​Lisa reminded us that the newsletters are on the website for anyone to read. Lisa encouraged all to join the Retiree Facebook.

Upcoming Events Were Discussed

Georgia Francis spoke about the museum tour scheduled for Friday, March 14; planned by Bob Chambers.

The Spring Lunch/Meeting is scheduled for April 3, 2025, at El Centro.

Today, each person is asked to read and respond to the handout regarding ideas for next year's holiday lunch/meeting.

Retiree's Association Scholarships

Lisa and Georgia met with District Foundation representatives regarding a new scholarship process. Lisa will write an article for the Spring newsletter with more information on this new process.

Sharman Beasley-Vesecky asked for help to get information on scholarships she has endowed.

Gus Katsigris asked about combining the Retiree Association scholarship funds to make an endowed scholarship.

Door Prizes

Rosie Steffen and Lisa Theriot coordinated the drawing of the tickets and handing out the door prizes. The door prizes donated by various businesses and retirees.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Diane Graifemberg