What Is the Lifelong Learning Program?
Dallas College Lifelong Learning (formerly Emeritus) program is designed to promote lifelong learning in our 55+ community through a range of credit and continuing education classes, including noncredit academic and personal enrichment courses customized for older adults. Senior adults who are age 65+ can enroll in any of Dallas College’s 11,000 credit classes at no charge by using a senior tuition waiver. Senior adults may participate in paid continuing education classes.
65+ tuition exemption
The tuition waiver covers up to six credit hours per semester and is applied at registration. The tuition exemption is for credit classes only and can not be applied to continuing education classes. Lifelong Learning students must not be degree- seeking students, as required by the senior adult tuition waiver.
Who qualifies for the tuition waiver?
You must be 65 at time of registration (not on the first day of class).
You must have lived in Texas for 12 months.
You must currently live in Dallas County with proof of residency.
You must complete the Transcript Waiver, if applicable, for students taking credit courses.
Learn more about the senior adult tuition waiver.
“Based on my and other seniors’ beneficial experiences with participation in the program, we are motivated to have a lifelong focus of staying physically, mentally, socially and structurally engaged in the community college.”
Read Robert's story.
Robert Barretto
Lifelong Learning Student
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Stop by one of our offices for enrollment support and guidance.
Schedule an appointment with a program representative at the following campuses by emailing:
LifelongLearning@DallasCollege.edu or calling 972-238-6972