School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics and Sciences


New bachelor's program!  Explore our Bachelor of Applied Technology in Software Development and transform your love of technology into a rewarding car​eer.


The School of Engineering, Technology, Math and Science (ETMS) provides students with a strong foundation of knowledge across the sciences and in mathematics. Our students also learn on-the-job skills from local industry leaders in courses focused on technology, network infrastructure and programming.

8.6%Expected three-year growth in the
job market for computer programmers

$45.86Median hourly wage
for computer programmers

$42.94Median hourly wage
for network and systems administrators

Please review current job openings and contact your success coach to review your options. All data gathered for Dallas/Fort Worth.
Source: Dallas College Labor Market Intelligence

What is ETMS?


Engineering skills are some of the most in-demand in today's workplace.

If you're a creative problem solver who would like to design real-world solutions with the latest technology, an engineering-related field may be the perfect fit for you. We offer a wide range of engineering-related programs that can prepare you to go right to work or to transfer to a four-year institution to continue your education.

View all Engineering Transfer Degrees
Engineering Guided Pathways


The Computer Information Technology (CIT) program prepares you for today’s constantly changing workplace with five different career paths.

Designed for those who want to stay up to date with new technologies, this program encompasses the skills needed by IT professionals to develop real-world proficiency. The skill sets you will build will prepare you for a variety of jobs in a competitive job market.

Technology Courses in Continuing Education
Guided Pathways A.A.S. and Certificates


Advanced math is critical to entering and advancing in careers in business, finance, engineering, medicine and other sciences.

Dallas College offers courses in algebra, trigonometry, calculus, math for business and social sciences, quantitative reasoning, statistics and math for teachers.


Dallas College offers multiple courses to fulfill science requirements of the core curriculum and for easy transfer to our public and partner institutions.

We offer courses for those who are majoring in science related fields as well and non-majors to meet degree requirements.


STEM Institute

The STEM Institute supports all areas of STEM, including computer science, construction, electronics, engineering, logistics, manufacturing, nanotechnology, renewable/sustainable energy and more.

Visit the STEM Institute
My Dallas College ​education gave me a love to teach and share what I know. I’ve learned so much here — the faculty show you things that just aren’t in the book because they bring real-world experience to the classroom.” Read Vernessa's story.
Photo of Vernessa Williams
Vernessa Williams
Part-time Instructional Associate in ESL/Developmental Studies Computer Lab

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